Download Monitor - Downloading Page 4.0.6

Download Download Monitor - Downloading Page 4.0.6 from nulled fire. The Downloading Page extension for Download Monitor forces your downloads to be served from a separa

Download Download Monitor - Downloading Page 4.0.6 from nulled fire

The Downloading Page extension for Download Monitor forces your downloads to be served from a separa
Downloading Page
The Downloading Page extension for Download Monitor forces your downloads to be served from a separate page.


100% Customizable
The Downloading page is a default WordPress page, allowing you to place anything you like on it. A great example is using a banner plugin and display an ad upon every download!

Easy Setup
With the help of our documentation you’ll a fully working downloading page up and running in minutes!

Automated Trigger
The download is automatically started after a few seconds on the downloading page. We also include a shortcode that displays amanual download link. Just in case.

Finally, the Downloading Page extension comes with an overridable template file so you can change the complete output of the manual download shortcode.
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Download Monitor - Downloading Page

(30.8 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By

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  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 4.0.0
k good