Easy Digital Downloads - Stripe Payment Gateway 3.0.2

Download Easy Digital Downloads - Stripe Payment Gateway 3.0.2 from nulled fire. Stripe Payment Gateway includes complete support for the Recurring Payments extension
New: Added UGX to zero decimal currency list.
Improvement: The Express Checkout gateway option is now completely hidden until eligibility is confirmed, whereas before it was shown and then hidden if determined to be ineligible. This should remove the sudden "flash" of the gateway option disappearing.
Improvement: Express Checkout settings are now disabled if taxes are enabled for the store.
Fix: The "Buy Now" modal visible on the page if Buy Now is enabled but the Stripe gateway isn't active.
Fix: Incorrect get_current_user() function usage.
Fix: Express Checkout not using custom price (from the Custom Prices add-on).
Fix: Undefined variable $purchase_data when making purchase that only contains fees.
EDD 3.0: Update refund logic to use new refunds API.
Dev: Remove composer/installer version lock.
Fix: Preapproval payment statuses were being registerd when they were not supported.
Fix: Avoid using array_key_first which is only available in PHP 7.3+.
Fix: Some Stripe error messages were not properly localized when the checkout submission had errors.
Dev: Further compatibility with EDD 3.0.
Fix: Free trials not being honored when using Express Checkout. Express Checkout is now disabled when purchasing a recurring product with a trial.
Fix: Incorrect default gateway set on checkout when Express Checkout is not available.
Fix: Notice about being connected to a temporary Stripe test account occasionally shown incorrectly.
Fix: Deprecation notices in PHP 8.
Fix: Customer address deprecation notices with EDD 3.0.
Fix: JavaScript error when entering an invalid card number into the input field.
Fix: JavaScript source maps missing references.
Fix: Admin notices script missing version number.
Tweak: Update link to Stripe Connect documentation.
Tweak: Update plugin author to Sandhills Development, LLC.
Tweak: Improve checkout error messages to help prevent customers from making duplicate payments.