eForm - WordPress Form Builder 4.18.0

Download eForm - WordPress Form Builder 4.18.0 from nulled fire. eForm is an advanced and flexible form builder that can be integrated into your site.
> Improve iFrame embeds on iOS devices.

- **New** - Add iframe embed option to eForm Widget.
- **Fix** - iFrame embedded form height and width issue on iOS devices.
- **Fix** - Conflict between popup form and iFrame embedded form.
- **Fix** - iFrame embed width inside widgets and pages.
- **Fix** - Fancy math element not hiding properly on conditional logic.
- **Fix** - Use div in error messages instead of heading tags (SEO).
**Fix** - Email template source not being deployed to production.
* **New** - Email templates to make changing email appearance easier.
* **New** - Option to embed forms in responsive iframes.
* **New** - Instant subscription to add to newsletter before form submission.
* **Fix** - File upload breaking on some themes like avada.
* **Fix** - Remove deprecated code for PHP 7.4 compatibility.
* **Fix** - Some styling issues within gutenberg blocks with WP 5.5.