> Improve third-party, WooCommerce & Stripe integrations.
- **New** - Add multiple products with WooCommerce integrations.
- **New** - Ability to send custom fields data for all supported third-party
- **New** - Ability to completely disable automatic scroll to invalid elements.
- **New** - Ability to add scroll offset for the same.
- **New** - Ability add custom color and bold appearance to correct answers. Now we support
- Radio, Checkbox, Dropdown & Thumbselect.
- Sortables.
- Single line text & multiline text.
- **New** - Stripe multistep validation. Before form submission, money will be kept on hold and will be captured only after successful submission.
- **Update** - Show summary table title, subtitle and description in separate row.
- **Update** - Show scores in summary table with proper alignment.
- **Fix** - File upload issue from mobile devices.
- **Fix** - jQuery compatibility issue. We are now ready for WordPress core update to jQuery 3.5.
- **Fix** - Remove deprecated Stripe JS APIs.
- **Fix** - Admin appearance issue with list tables.