Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25.1

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25.1 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Added new Wireframe View mode to the Visual Builder.
- Fixed issue with email optin module failing to subscribe users in some cases due to request caching system.
- Fixed issue with unwanted save warning appearing when global sections were on the page but no content was changed while TinyMCE was in Visual mode.
- Fixed issue where initial updates to global sections were not saved correctly in some cases.
- Fixed issue with line breaks being stripped from global modules upon saving.
- Disabled right click menu while settings modals are open in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed bug that made the TinyMCE paragraph dropdown menu inaccessible in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed error that occured on websites running PHP 5.2.
- Fixed error that occured when updating plugins for some customers.
- Fixed a bug that caused range slider inputs to default to "0" after saving a module in the Divi Builder.
- Updated Divi with new /core structure.
- Added new interface to the Divi Builder for managing email providers for the Email Optin module (API keys are no longer managed in the Divi Theme Options).
- Fixed bug that caused Right Click > Disable to not re-render correctly in the Visual Builder.
- Range slider values that exceed the default range will no longer be reset when saved.
- Fixed issue where the use of [...] inside of Slider headings would cause the shortcode the malfunction.
- Updated Waypoints to the latest version
- Ratings will no longer be counted as comments within the WordPress interface.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Yoast SEO Premium.
- Fixed various JS formatting issues.
- Images with captions will now be responsive.
- Fixed issue with videos not appearing correctly on video post formats in some cases.
- The contact form page template will now use the correct email as defined in the page template options and then use the WordPress admin email as a fallback.
- Fixed category selection bug in the blog feed page template options.
- Fixed an issue with gutter widths not apply correctly to category layouts built in the Extra category builder.
- Updated comments template to use Ajax comment form when replying to a comment on the page.
- Fixed a bug that caused posts on page 2 and above to not respect the content length settings in the module options.
- Fixed bug in the time-line page template that caused posts in the time-line to overflow the theme footer.
- The post count setting for the site-map page template will now work correctly.
- Removed unwanted LESS source map from Extra's CSS files.
- Fixed a bug in IE that caused columns in the Extra footer to not float correctly.
- Show category and show rating options will now work correctly for the blog feed page template.
- Removed unwanted list item numbers that appeared next to blog post comments.
- The subject input filed in the contact form page template will now be attached correctly to the email.
- Added missing author structured data element to single post hentry.
- Borders will now be printed correctly when setting the border width to "2" in the blog feed standard and masonry modules.
- Column options for the Shop modules will now work correctly when used in the Extra category builder.
- Hiding social media icons in the Extra Theme Options will now work correctly.
- Added missing ratings toggle to the Extra theme options.
- Fixed issue with hover icons appearing incorrectly on paginated pages within the Extra category builder.
- Excerpt length options will now work correctly when configured in the blog feed page template.
- Custom CSS ID's will now work correctly when applied to the tabbed posts module.
- When items are removed from the WooCommerce cart, the number will now be correctly updated in the Extra header.
- Fixed various flexbox rendering issues in IE11.
- Fixed issues with mega menu links not being clickable on mobile devices.
- The live preview button will now work correctly in the Extra category builder.
- Fixed an issue where video format posts failed to display video if user added two oEmbed-based video.
- Added option to enable responsive Google Adwords ads.
- "Automatically close comments after..." option will now work correctly.
- Fixed issue with long post timelines not rendering correctly in the timeline page template.
- Added missing WooCommerce styles for account page.
- Fixed issue with collapsing columns on some mobile devices which caused post sliders to disappear.
- Header font sizes applied in the category builder will now correctly override font sizes applied in the Theme Customizer.
- Fixed a bug that caused pagination to break in post feeds that contained private posts when viewing the post feed as an admin user.
- Updated CSS auto-prefixer to add support for Safari version 8.
- Fixed responsive design issues that occurred on the Extra blog feed when masonry mode was enabled in the Extra theme options.
- Added option to disable comments on the blog feed page template.
- The header text color option will now work correctly when configured in the blog module settings in the Extra category builder.
- Custom button styles adjusted in the Theme Customizer will now correctly apply to buttons added in the Divi Builder.
- Added missing localization to the Login widget.
- Removed anchor link from featured imaged on posts.
- Fixed HTML encoding issue that occurred when tweeting post titles via the Extra social sharing links.
- Widget text color settings in the Theme Customizer will now work correctly.
- Fixed bug where the wrong author name was displayed when the author had not authored any posts.
- Added styling for tables inside of posts.