Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Fixed a bug that caused category dropdown menus to disappear from the Extra category builder module settings.
- Addressed additional WordPress 4.9 compatibility issues in preparation for the new WordPress release scheduled for today.
- Fixed a bug that caused broken sidebar layouts on custom post types in some situations.
- Fixed a bug in border options migration that mistakenly migrated border options that were turned off in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that caused unwanted borders to appear in some cases when saving the page in the classic Divi Builder.
- Added border options to all modules, rows and sections.
- Added border radius options to all modules, rows and sections.
- Implemented the new border options interface.
- Fixed the issue when wrong sidebar class was applied on category pages in some cases.
- Fixed issue with header getting "fixed" styles applied incorrectly in some cases.
- Fixed flip right animation not working.
- Fixed animations not working with waypoints disabled.
- Fixed undefined index errors in Shop.php that appear when visual builder is opened.
- Improved the performance of custom CSS processing in Visual Builder.
- Fixed the issue when some sub item options did not inherit Parent values as defaults in BB.
- Fixed the issue when migration was wrongly applied in BB if Visual Editor disabled for current user.
- Fixed an issue that caused builder shortcode output to be wrapped in paragraph tags when used on custom post types.
- Fixed the issue when copy/paste styles between different section types.
- Fixed the issue when mobile style options were not copied during Copy Styles.
- Fixed the issue when predefined layouts were not preloaded on VB startup.
- Added "Background Gradient Overlays Image" Option.
- Fixed the issue when Blog Module was not scrolled to top when pagination used.
- Fixed two CSS typos in `styles/style.css`.
- Fixed the issue with translation of Date to different languages in Countdown Timer Module.
- Fixed issue with conditional default value inheritance from parent module to child module.
- Fixed the issue when < script > tag was added into custom excerpts in some cases.
- Fixed the issue when Global Module cloning resets the synced options in BB.
- Fixed the issue when Row Settings popover was not accessible for library items in VB.
- Fixed the person module image not being centered in 4 columns layout on specific resolutions.
- Fixed Divi library styling of Use Visual Builder button.
- Improved Row Custom width option to apply the width > 80%.
- Fixed PHP Undefined Index error when loading Specialty Section with empty Global Row inside.
- Fixed ability to click on add new row button due to section height.
- Optimized size of ajax payload that loads BB templates.
- Fixed broken Email Optin module on Backend Builder due to recent BB Template optimization.
- Fixed Range Slider options not working in IE browser.