Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Updated to React 16
- Updated production dependencies
- Optimized the speed of the Visual Builder, reducing slowness when adjusting design settings
- Improved re-render speed when using draggable padding
- Improved the speed of deleting modules in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed the issue when unwanted   was added at the beginning and end of the content in child modules such as Pricing Table, Sliders, etc when saved in Backend Builder.
- Added the missing jQuery dependancy for "et-core-common" script and moved common.js file from /js to admin/js directory for consistency. No functional changes made in the PR.
- Moved core common.js file to admin/js directory for consistency.
- Fixed the issue when dot navigation was not working correctly in Video slider module.
- Fixed the issue when "Show Comments Count" option in Comments Module was not working with heading levels other than H1.
- Fixed the issue when Fullwidth Header module in VB doesn't match the actual result on Front-end with certain combination of settings.
- Fixed BB not loading when Table Of Contents plus [toc] shortcode was added to the page.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Google Language Plugin.
- Removed module button ripple in Wireframe mode.
- Removed references to debugging code used in development
- Changed storing product categories from slugs to ids for Shop Module to fix support with certain languages.
- Fixed unwanted visible carousel group when video slider module's carousel navigation is clicked.
- Improved email address validation in the Contact Form module.
- Fixed Firefox not being able to print pages including Number Counters.
- Added image filters to Fullwidth Portfolio module.
- Added image filters to Filterable Portfolio module.
- Fixed the issue when header font-size from Customizer settings override the Post Slider module font-size in Extra theme.
- Added missing link to the post title in Post Slider module.
- Fixed missing image and animated content on Facebook in-app browser.
- Improved the Search Module button vertical alignment when border options are applied.
- Fixed Video Slider thumbnails appearance in Visual Builder.
- Fixed the issue when Module Shortcuts were not working properly in Wireframe mode.
- Fixed the issue when Global Modules values were not migrated in BB.
- Fixed the Import and Export button position from customizer for RTL.
- Fixed Testimonial portrait radius default value migration.
- Fixed the issue when different front-size was applied h1 - h6 headings in 1/3 and 1/4 columns while in VB.
- Fixed broken Builder and unwanted Builder Timeout popup appears when asp_tags is enabled on php.ini.
- Fixed the issue when Text Alignment value was not saved in Text and Search modules when saved in Backend Builder.
- Fixing issue on cloning and drag and dropping module item (i.e. video slider) on visual builder.
- Fixed unwanted horizontal scroll on window when row's equalize height is set and gutter is set to 1.
- Fixed broken drag and drop behaviour in Visual Builder wireframe mode.
- Fixed logic bug that caused inconsistent results when checking php memory limit.
- Added support of Google Fonts API.
- Updated strings references in translation files.
- Fixed Blurb image box shadow size when change image size.
- Fixed the issue when Font Options were not applied for the single Fields in Contact Form module.
- Fixed broken logic in the permissions check used for the Divi Builder portability system.
- Fixed several Border Styles settings inheritance issues.
- Fixed the issue when Featured Table Header Text Color option in Pricing Table module was not applied to headings other than H2.
- Updated CSS sync logic.
- Fixed the issue when pagination was not working in Shop module with the latest version of Woocommerce.
- Fixed the issue when Upwards menu direction was not to mobile version of menu in Fullwidth Menu module.
- Fixed the issue when some HTML was rendered inside the Content field of Code Module and Message Patternt field of Contact Form Module in Backend Builder.
- Fixed the issue when "Title" Custom CSS in Fullwidth Header module was applied to H1 heading only.
- Added filter and blending controls for all Sections, Rows, and Modules.
- Improved google fonts loading logic to prevent font flickering on page load.
- Fixed wrong button icon with uppercase text enabled in Button module.
- Fixed the issue when it was not possible to upload font files with uppercase extension.
- Fixed AJAX pagination breaking custom styles under certain circumstances.
- Fixed incorrect exit tooltip usage in Click Mode.
- Fixed the issue when the global Code Module content was not unsynced properly in BB.
- Fixed inline editor close icon.
- Fixed some issues in Fullwidth Menu on touch screens.
- Fixed Person module description view for 1/4 columns.
- Fixed Contact Form Module fields not showing custom borders.
- Improved Font Options output code to avoid PHP Notices in 3rd party plugins.
- Fixed console error when resizing inline editor.
- Fixed missed 'Use Focus Border' options group in Backend Builder for Login and Email Option modules.
- Fixed a console warning that could happen when quickly closing the settings modal.
- Fixed last column bottom margin in tablet preview / 4 cols layout.
- Improved Visual Builder slider functionality.
- Fixed the issue when Settings Modal didn't reflect the module settings update on History state change ( undo/redo ).
- Improved Categories Select option support in Child Modules.
- Fixed compatibility of Divi and WP Job Manager plugin.
- Fixed layout import in Visual Builder for large layouts.
- Fixed incorrect Filterable Portfolio's filter positioning on mobile devices if alignment has been modified.
- Fixed Blog / Gallery Modules not showing content in the VB under some circumstances.
- Fixed borders appearance for the Blurb image when image align is set to left.
- Fixed missing add button in modal while Grid Mode is active.
- Fixed the issue when Open/Close Toggle text color was not applied to non-default header levels.
- Prevent parallax background from covering the comments in comment module.
- Image module fix, prevent the overlay to overflow image size.
- Fixed the issue when line-breaks saved in Text mode of editor were not rendered in VB.
- Fixed the issue when unwanted extra line-breaks added in tinyMCE editor in Visual Builder.
- Fixed the issue when unwanted paragraphs were added to the content of Global Modules if editor is in Text mode.
- Removed pricing table top margin if there is no featured table.
- Fixed unwanted scroll to top when using the Visual Builder to edit posts with a featured image.
- Fixed the issue when migration was misapplied in Backend Builder on pages with global modules.
- Fixed incorrect responsive tab behaviour on input range & input margin.
- Fixed incorrect content rendering in BB when blog and shop modules are used on the same layout.
- Fixed giggling gradient end's colorpicker button when being clicked.
- Fixed the issues with Fullwidth Header Text & Logo Orientation + Image Vertical Alignment options in IE11.
- Moved browser class detection mechanism to js side to avoid issues on cached pages.
- Fixed the Builder Cache Warning issue in Safari 9.1
- Fixed a visual issue in the Visual Builder when applying rounded borders to a Video Module.