Elegant Themes - Monarch Wordpress Plugin 1.4.14

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Download Elegant Themes - Monarch Wordpress Plugin 1.4.14 from nulled fire. Take Social Sharing to the Next Level with MONARCH, a Social Media Plugin with Style.
- Updated Monarch with new core/ structure.
- Updated Facebook open graph to version 2.8
- Updated Delicious URL to the new version.
- An admin notice will now be displayed when an API needs re-authorization due to API updates.
- Added RTL support for the Monarch dashboard.
- Fixed a bug that allowed any empty @ symbol to be added when sharing via Twitter.
- Removed nofollow attribute that was mistakenly added to the data-social_link div.
- Removed FriendFeed from the list of available networks.
- Fixed a bug where media icons were not positioned correctly in some cases.
- Added validation to manual share count input fields in the Monarch dashboard.
- Added support for additional post types when choosing where social sharing buttons will appear.
- Fixed broken Vkontakte API.
- Added support for Vkontakte groups and public pages.
- Fixed a design conflict between Divi gallery hover icons and the On Media sharing location in Monarch.
- Fixed a bug that caused Monarch settings import to fail in some cases.