### Added
- Author Page Link added in Post Slider Widget (Thanks to boboo)
- Title Multi Color option added in Advanced Heading Widget
### Fixed
- Slide To Scroll issue fixed all carousel type widgets (Thanks Hall Underwood)
- ID issue fixed in Navbar Widget (Thanks Oleg Malkov)
- Justified Gallery issue fixed in Advanced Image Gallery Widget (Thanks René Broll)
- Some language string issue fixed in language file
- We optimize our all assets (css and javascript) for faster loading. Now our widget will load 50% faster than before.
- Line Circle color and size issue fixed in Timeline Widget (Thanks Tajammul H. Qureshi)
- Button Alignment issue fixed in Fancy Tabs Widget
- Svg Color issue fixed in Fancy Tabs Widget
- Navigation fraction arrows and arrows spacing issue fixed
- Item Style issue fixed in Twitter Carousel Widget ( Thanks Lukas Bauerle )
- Height issue fixed in Open Street Map Widget (Thanks Laurent Oz-média)
- ID issue fixed in Navbar Widget (Thanks Oleg Malkov)
- Parent Indicator fixed in Navbar Widget (Thanks Barak Levy)
- Quick view variation selection issue fixed in WooCommerce product widget (Thanks to Hannah)