Elementor Pro 3.27.7

Download Elementor Pro 3.27.7 from nulled fire. Elementor Pro is the most advanced page builder for WordPress
#### 2017-06-12 v1.5.1
* Fix! - MailChimp update existing user registration
* Fix! - Global widget with JS in the editor mode
* Fix! - Label section condition in Login widget
* Fix! - Changes to unlinked global widget do not appear in the editor
* New! - Added Cards, a new skin for Posts widget
* New! - Added Exclude option to post query control group
* Tweak! - Added `post_class()` for each post in the loop
* Tweak! - Added `.elementor-posts-masonry` class when Masonry layout is enabled
* Tweak! - Added compatibility for the next release of Elementor v1.5.0
* Tweak! - CSS `autoprefixer` now supports last 5 versions of browsers
* Tweak! - Added `imageLoaded` library for Posts & Portfolio widgets
#### 2017-05-18 v1.4.4
Fix! - Force Mailchimp API to return all lists and not just 10 ([#1683](Elementor Pro Mailchimp not showing all lists · Issue #1683 · pojome/elementor · GitHub))
Fix! - Added `.elementor-form` class to Login form to fix style glitch