Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 6.0.8

Download Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 6.0.8 from nulled fire. Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme
fixed: js error backend ALB editor in setTimeout()
fixed: removed sanitize titles in sliders – allows HTML tags again e.g. slider caption
fixed: typo error in ALB timeline element
fixed: ALB magazine element ignores checkbox setting no thumbnail
fixed: php notice undefined index upload_folder in instagram widget
fixed: Yelp icon shows after theme update even if not selected
fixed: missing attribute target=_blank for some ALB elements after 4.7 update
fixed: small typo in enfold-child/style.css
fixed: problem with WP filter widget_text called with too few parameters from 3rd party plugin
fixed: French translation removes columns select options in ALB icon grid
fixed: disabled reCaptcha Cookie shows message even if reCaptcha disabled in contact form but active in theme options

added: filter avf_default_yelp_url: allows to set yelp url if not set in Social Profile or ALB Social Share button
added: filter avf_masonry_loop_entry_content: allows to filter content (e.g. to allow/skip HTML tags)
added: filter avf_masonry_loop_entry_description: allows to filter description (e.g. to allow/skip HTML tags)

tweak: ALB backend message for special custom pages 404, footer, maintenancemode when active/inactive
tweak: remove schema markup from modal privacy popup - errors in checking markup on single blog posts
- fixed: some of the fixes in 4.7 were not applied properly due to a file merging error. this was corrected and all features in 4.7 should work as intended now
improved: WP Block Editor support
- WC 3.8 CSS integration of new WooCommerce block elements
- CSS support for predefined colors for background and text from palette

feature: New ALB modal popup design and structure (tabs, layout)
feature: Events Manager elements support responsive settings and developer settings
feature: ALB shortcode buttons in editor can be ordered by name (asc or desc) or default order
feature: ALB Video element new options to autostart, loop, mute, hide controls
feature: Add a start value to animated numbers
feature: additional option fields to filter tabs and keep quick css when importing theme options settings file
feature: additional option fields to filter tabs and keep quick css when reset of theme options
feature: Buttons to export and import Layout Builder saved templates
feature: Yelp Icon to social icons and icon font

improved: Video and video slideshow fallback to muted if autoplay selected
improved: Contactform number validation check now for positiv and negative numbers possible
improved: handling of title attribute on blog post featured image
improved: merged files filename extended with a unique timestamp
improved: Google reCAPTCHA V3 script is now loaded with defer

added: Contact form option "Autoresponder reply to email address"
added: Allow woff2 icon fonts to enqueue and import

added: action ava_popup_register_dynamic_templates to register templates needed by several ALB elements
added: action ava_after_register_dynamic_templates_sc: override or add additional dynamic templates to a shortcode
added: filter avf_featured_image_title_attr with context ‘loop_index’: allows to customize title attribute for featured image
added: filter avf_optiospage_hide_tab: hide theme option tab in context
added: filter avf_optiospage_hide_data_fields: hides theme option date field in context
added: filter avf_add_google_analytics_cookies_to_custom_cookies
added: filter avf_settings_import_filter_array: customize filters for import theme options settings to filter or skip imported settings
added: filter avf_settings_reset_options_filter_array: customize filters for reset theme options settings
added: filter avf_cookie_consent_for_md5: allows to control content for md5 hash for cookie consent message bar
added: filter avf_header_setting_filter extended with $context
added: filter avf_contact_form_incoming_mail: allows bulk modifications to incoming mail
added: filter avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail: allows bulk modifications to autoresponder mail
added: filter avf_skip_mail_header_keys: allows to customize header string
added: filter avf_skip_export_alb_template: allows to skip a specific template from exporting
added: filter avf_skip_import_alb_template: allows to skip a specific template from import
added: filter avf_translate_targeted_link_rel_attributes: allows to add additional attributes that are removed by WP
added: filter avf_alb_taxonomy_values: WPML wrapper to translate object id's
added: filter avf_alb_linkpicker_value: allows WPML to translate 'linkpicker' element id's
added: filter avf_default_yelp_link: allows to change the yelp link depending on displayed blog post

removed: filter avf_form_mail_header for autoresponder mail - use avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail
deprecated: filters in framework\php\class-form-generator.php send() might be removed in future versions - use avf_contact_form_incoming_mail and avf_contact_form_autoresponder_mail

fixed: Bug in ALB required array when an empty array
fixed: some typo errors
fixed: new added ALB elements cannot be saved as templates when nested (sections, columns with content inside)
fixed: duplicate protocol in instagram url for lightbox
fixed: relevansi ajax search and admin-ajax.php error
fixed: avia_auto_toc widget wrong checkbox value "smoothscroll"
fixed: ARIA warning for Accordion ALB element
fixed: Update debug info theme update enabled to support new Envato token
fixed: Layerslider update info for bundled plugin might not remove update notification
Fixed: Problem with Safari browsers and Do Not Track check
fixed: Headline Rotator with typewriter animation and & in text
fixed: WP 5.3 Media Uploader not showing sizes selectbox (theme option page upload image button)
fixed: WP 5.3 CSS theme option page selectboxes only partially clickable
fixed: WP 5.3 social icons not shown and fb widget script id removed
fixed: deactivated special pages like 404 cannot be accessed
fixed: removed spaces around codeblock placeholder injection element
fixed: Revolution Slider removed min-height style for newer sliders
fixed: Allow to disable Advanced Layer Slider manually, scripts no longer loaded when not needed
fixed: Set Theme options Enable Google Maps to disabled by default
fixed: missing backend info for disabled ALB elements (Blog, Comments)
fixed: theme options checkbox add support for required field for '{false}', '', '{true}', [checkbox value]
fixed: theme options add support to add visual_group inside tab section in a tab
fixed: added esc_html() to slideshow titles
fixed: Contact form when check in php failed it does not show any message
fixed: WP CLI warnings/errors undefined object $avia
fixed: wrong $class->config in slideshow-layerslider.php
fixed: WPML translation manager integration and problems with several ALB elements like portfolio and masonry sort buttons
fixed: added font weights 400,600 to Quicksand
fixed: PHP 7.4.1 notices
fixed: Secondary loop in sliders breaking wp primary loop - results in broken columns ALB layout
fixed: hide block editor tip popup on ALB editor page
fixed: Google reCAPTCHA CSS in ALB contact form
fixed: typo CSS error avia-disabled-forn -> avia-disabled-form

- Developer theme options:
removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_css
removed: theme support avia_template_builder_custom_tab_toogle_id
removed: 'Custom CSS classes input field'
removed: 'ID attribute input field'
removed: 'Customize heading styling'
replaced by: 'Developer Input Fields'
added filter avf_alb_get_developer_settings: allows to customize displaying input fields

added: theme support avia_gdpr_permanent_hide_message_bar - allows to permanently hide consent message bar but use cookie logic
added: theme support avia_supress_cookie_modal_html_creation to supress output of HTML for modal popup
added: js trigger avia-cookie-settings-changed
added: New Advanced Styling rules for Cookie Message bar buttons
added: aria-hidden true to cookie Message bar container to hide from screen readers
fixed: Scroll bug - modal popup can be closed clicking outside of modal window
fixed: Advanced Styling for Cookie Message bar not working
fixed: Cookie Consent and cache plugin problems
fixed: Removed Safari browsers for checking disable of cookies browser settings (throws uncatchable error)
fixed: missing call to esc_attr in html tooltip privacy reload page info
fixed: Invalid HTML in modal popup
improved Google Analytic input field:
- Google Analytics script is only loaded when allowed
- Scripts with class google_analytics_scripts are removed when user refuses Google tracking cookies
- Google Cookies are deleted when user refuses cookies

updated: links to docu for developer information - cookie consent bar
updated: Italian language files
updated: German language files
updated: Dutch language files
updated: Polish language files
updated: Persian language files
updated: French language files
updated: Layerslider to the latest version