Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 5.7

Download Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 5.7 from nulled fire. Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme
- style.css - new version number
- added: shortcode debugger and parser that should prevent any html generation errors like unclosed tags
- added: option to manually disable the layerslider
- fixed: an issue with shortcode generation, resulting in unclosed html structures
- fixed: security issue that would allow an attacker to export your enfold settings
- fixed: security issue that allowed an attacker to rewrite the portfolio permalink structure
- fixed: an issue with instagram feed not loading images
- fixed: an issue with main menu in iOS Safari
- updated: layerslider plugin
- added: 5 new demos for creatives
- band demo
- dj demo
- freelancer demo
- visual artist demo
- gaming demo

- added: new template builder element: audio playlist
- added: new google fonts
- added: option to select color for section scroll down arrow
- added: new styling and color options for the toggle shortcode
- added: new wordpress filter to modify or remove main menu

- improved: better handling/loading times of deactivated lightbox script
- improved: default mediaelement audio player styling is now more modern, cleaner and requires much less css
- improved: several css files were trimed and others removed (1000 lines of css removed)
- improved: performance of blog element and reduced database queries
- improved: advanced options for link overlay display
- improved: testimonials shortcode delimiter logic
- improved: Plugin WP SEO integration with builder inserted images has been improved
- improved: Horizontal gallery now shows navigation arrows on mobile devices
- improved: Horizontal gallery allows to enter element ID now
- improved: handling of special characters like line breaks in shortcodes
- improved: tab section height handling when inner elements change their height
- improved: scroll down arrow alignment
- improved: several RTL css styles
- improved: breadcrumb navigation in ssl environments
- improved: removed an old filter from woocommerce
- improved: google maps API key handling within the theme and the theme framework
- improved: inclusion of layerslider plugin, so it does no longer show the update notice all the time

- fixed: an issue with the toggle shortcode not animating when showing its content
- fixed: issue with section overlays when a down arrow is used
- fixed: an issue with tabsection names that did not contain any non special chars
- fixed: an issue with the hamburger menu when empty links with subitems were used.
- fixed: Horizontal gallery now works with custom links
- fixed: Horizontal gallery now works with titles and captions in the lightbox
- fixed: Horizontal gallery now no longer breaks if the number of the initial image is larger than the gallery image count
- fixed: an issue with duplicate ids after a grid row element
- fixed: a bug with tab section alignment on RTL setups
- fixed: an issue with the Woocommerce checkout options on smaller screens
- fixed: an issue with hotspot descriptions
- fixed: an issue with demo import causing php notices
- fixed: a few smaller issues with the new mobile menu
- fixed: an issue with the post delimiter on custom made blog entries
- fixed: an issue with the secondary menu items not visible if the main menu is displayed as burger icon
- fixed: an issue with the shortcode wand and image with hotspot shortcode when not used as a template builder element
- fixed: an issue with product search in woocommerce
- fixed: an issue with mobile submenu cloning when the main menu is set to display in a sidebar
- fixed: an issue with copy/pasted shortcodes
- fixed: an issue with Zen Menu and Themify_Conditional_Menus
- fixed: an issue with importing demo data in php 7
- fixed: an issue with WPML and double language flags in the new mobile menu
- fixed: an issue with diagonal bordered sections and scroll down arrows
- fixed: an issue with burger menu social items on tablet screens
- fixed: an display issue with icon elements following a delimiter
- fixed: a bug with the caption shortcode within the textblock eelment

- updated: layerslider plugin
- updated: several translation files
2017 July 13th – Version 4.1.1
- style.css - new version number
- fixed: an alignment issue with menus displayed in the center below the logo
- fixed: an issue with table html content on mobile view
- fixed: a padding issue with the mobile burger menu item with some settings
- improved: woocommerce product out of stock handling for masonry and slideshows

2017 July 11th – Version 4.1

This is a major release with new demos and features. Read more on our blog post

- added: new photography theme demos: minimal photography and dark photography

- added: new template builder element: horizontal gallery
- added: new modern mobile menu with more options (old mobile menu item was removed)
- added: new theme options tab for the main menu
- added: several new options to edit and style the main menu on mobile devices
- added: most elements received a "screen options" tab.
- added: visibility settings based on the screen options for all template builder elements
- added: font size settings to the screen options tab for text based elements (eg headings)
- added: column count settings based on the screen options for complex column based elements (eg masonry)
- added: advanced styling options for the mobile menu to create unique fly-out and overlay menus
- added: new theme options tab for the layout builder
- added: option to disable the live preview in backend
- added: option to enable custom css classes for template builder elements
- added: option to disable the post navigation between single posts
- added: google maps options to display Satellite, Hybrid or Terrain maps
- added: team element option to change image size
- added: Woocommerce can now add structured data to template builder elements
- added: tab sections can be pre-opened by url now
- added: google maps key check is now done when entering the key for easier checking if the key is valid
- added: new orientation for masonry image elements when set to "perfect grid" - you can now display images as squares, as well as landscape or portrait images of various sizes

- fixed: an issue with broken columns in tab section in backend
- fixed: breadcrumb function with custom shops
- fixed: an issue with tab sections on firefox when more than one word was used for the tab title
- fixed: several frontend issues with equal height tabs and columns within tabs
- fixed: RTL related issues
- fixed: an issue with shortcodes when they where copied from one page to another without using the default content field
- fixed: several minor query issues with the latest version of Woocommerce
- fixed: an issue with special chars in heading elements
- fixed: woocommerce cart dropdown on the checkout page was not updated properly
- fixed: several minor spelling errors in the template builder
- fixed: portfolio custom links now work better with various slideshows
- fixed: a woocommerce issue with out of stock items
- fixed: an issue with google maps click events and firefox
- fixed: an issue with initial active item on tab sections
- fixed: a problem with product layout settings
- fixed: an issue with linked images inside the layerslider slideshow
- fixed: a bug with portfolio ajax slideshows not autorotating or stoping after one cycle
- fixed: a minor character encoding problem in the template builder
- fixed: a display issue with comment forms when displayed after certain elements
- fixed: a few minor issues with php 7.1
- fixed: a menu display bug in ios 10+ when the items are animated
- fixed: a z-index issue with section overlays
- fixed: a problem with disabled backend options not beeing rendered properly after enabling them
- fixed: a flickering issue caused by css with the main menu on webkit engines (chrome, safari, opera)
- fixed: a validation issue with the mailchimp API key
- fixed: an issue with the live preview not updating properly after an option change
- fixed: a blog gallery bug when no sidebar blog was used in conjunction with the sidebar main menu
- fixed: menu overlay sub level menu items font size and line height are now set properly
- fixed: an issue with custom menu color settings and transparent menus

- improved: search functionality can now be used on mobile phones
- improved: cleanup of several CSS classes
- improved: removal of several JS functions that were no longer needed and improvement of existing functions like menu and smoothscroll

- updated: layerslider to the latest version
- updated: several language translation files