Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 5.7

Download Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 5.7 from nulled fire. Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme
Version 4.0.1 + 4.0.2

- style.css - new version number
- includes/admin/helper-compat-update.php - fixed an issue with older php versions that prevented admin access

2017 February 27th – Version 4.0

This is a major release and therefore a larger update. if you want to see a more detailed description with with examples please see our blog post on kriesi.at

- new demo content: Enfold 2017
- added: new header (transparent with border)
- added: full width tab section element
- added: full height grid column
- added: editor element live preview
- added: section and grid row id is visible in the builder canvas for easier distinction
- added: section and grid row content can be toggled to be invisible in backend for better overview
- added: section, column and cells display background images in the canvas
- added: section, column and cells display custom background colors as a small dot beside the name
- added: a new style for the iconbox icon
- added: a new style for progress bars
- added: a new style for testimonial grids
- added: new global blog style "modern business"
- added: google map 2 finger gestures implemented

- fixed: issue with multiline rotator
- fixed: display issue with "clone last element button" in tabs
- fixed: display issue with social icons element
- fixed: an issue with the magic wand shortcode button in tinymce
- fixed: an issue with the fullheight grid not displaying properly
- fixed: a php comment that caused wordfence to think it found a security issue
- fixed: an issue with saving templates in the builder not working
- fixed: a bug with ajax portfolio display when the portfolio content was not wide enough
- fixed: a display bug with portfolio and masonry grids in conjunction with the "elegant" blog styling
- fixed: display of title custom color for iconlist if a link is set for the title
- fixed: an issue with double background color declaration on sections
- fixed: an issue with masonry background color, being visible behind the image
- fixed: a display issue with diagonal borders and background image color overlays
- fixed: an issue with pricing tables and currency colors on dark background
- fixed: several small display issue with the elegant blog layout
- fixed: an issue with the countdown timer not counting properly if no seconds are shown
- fixed: a display issue with the headline rotator when set to multiline
- fixed: a few styling issues with the pricing table
- fixed: issue with lightbox not closing properly on mobile devices
- fixed: an issue with template builder elements id sanitisation being too thorough
- fixed: a few minor php 7 and 7.1 related warnings
- fixed: some h3 markup is no longer rendered if the title field for the element is left empty
- fixed: an issue with invalid nested markup when a section color overlay was used
- fixed: an issue with the table shortcode not displaying zeros in the backend
- fixed: line breaks in masonry description working again
- fixed: an issue with anchor scrolling on mobile devices when left sidebar main menu was active
- fixed: an issue with anchor scrolling when the menu was set to disaply above the logo
- fixed: an issue with submenu elements and fixed frame settings
- fixed: an issue with submenus not working properly on phones
- fixed: an issue with image markup validation
- fixed: woocommerce ajax add to cart button not working properly
- fixed: an issue with the color picker throwing a css error
- fixed: a visual issue with the admin datepicker element

- improved: animation handling when a lot of animations are fired on page load, due to the user having scrolled down
- improved: iconbox display on tablets
- improved: image lightbox preloader styled to fit the theme
- improved: masonry "load next" preloader styled to fit the theme
- improved: some css font size declarations
- improved: styling of portfolio element
- improved: content tab font size adapts to the general font size now
- improved: header bar title markup no longer rendered when title is empty

- updated: deprecated jquery methods that caused console warnings
- updated: config-layerslider to the latest version
2017 February 1st - Version 3.8.5

- removed a php comment that caused a false positive alert message with the Wordfence Security Plugin.
2016 December 14th – Version 3.8.4

- fixed an issue with the layout editor not working, due to a fatal error on php 7.1 servers

2016 December 13th – Version 3.8.3

- fixed an issue caused by the improved security were template snippets were not loading properly