Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 6.0.8

Download Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 6.0.8 from nulled fire. Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme
Feature: New alignment options ALB element "Special Heading"
Feature: input field to add custom subject text for ALB contact form autoresponder email
Feature: Option for transition effect speed in ALB Easy Slider, Fullwidth Easy Slider, Fullscreen Slider
Feature: Added options for custom title and alt attribute in ALB image element
Feature: Select title font size added to ALB icon box element
Feature: Theme option Custom Font Display Behaviour (Performance -> Show advanced options)

fixed: accordion slider hides some slide item after closing the lightbox
fixed: small typo instgram
fixed: WC 4.0 bug grouped products and quantity button not working
fixed: Transparent logo missing alt and title attr when attachment URL instead ID
fixed: bbPress and custom footer page not showing correctly on some pages
fixed: CSS bug Accordion hidden below Special Heading in Color section
fixed: WP 5.4 Block editor breaks ALB layout in backend
fixed: removed wrong href in div in id="av-cookie-consent-badge"
fixed: removed wp_nonce check in reCaptcha V3 to avoid problems with caching plugins
fixed: block editor js warnings deprecated "core/editor"
fixed: bug switching ALB back to Classic Editor broken layout and js errors (WP 5.4 related ?)
fixed: CSS problem with equal height after individual height columns forming a grid
fixed: WP 5.4 block editor using ALB - scroll bug dragging ALB elements
fixed: added a check that $posts is an array in helper-assets.php - caused by 3rd party plugins
fixed: shifted values in color picker (theme options page)
fixed: type errors in message text
fixed: Plugin conflict calling filter display_post_states incorrectly
fixed: CSS transparent header padding top for custom footer page
fixed: ALB columns options not saving after element has been resized
fixed: animation not triggering when element inside directly called tab

added: filter avf_transparency_logo_data: modify transparency logo url, title, alt attributes
added: filter avf_before_save_options_page_array: modify theme options array before save to DB
added: filter ava_after_layout_builder_button: add buttons after ALB switch button
added: class post-format-{$post_format} to article in postslider.php
added: filter avf_attachment_copyright_text - allows to filter copyright text in ALB image element
added: filter avf_page_as_footer_extra_classes - add classes for styling "page as footer"

tweak: required in admin options array supports empty array
tweak: new option "Remove query string from static resources" in Performance->Show advanced options
tweak: Link settings moved to content tab for all ALB button elements
tweak: ensure function aviaFontManagementBase::get_font_list returns an array

updated: bundled LayerSlider plugin to v6.11.1
IMPORTANT: LayerSlider changed internal directory structure - on manual update please delete folder ...\themes\enfold\config-layerslider

updated: Italian language files
updated: Dutch language files
added: Greek language files
tweak: All language files have been synchronised - obsolete strings removed - enfold.pot is template file for "Loco Translate" plugin
fixed: catalog CSS not enqueued with ALB WC product elements
fixed: ADA compliance aria-hidden, aria-label for MOBILE Hamburger menu
fixed: ALB seperator whitespace with icon: limit width to 45% container width for each ruler
fixed: small typo tempalte
fixed: CSS bug icon grid with display tooltip and mobile
fixed: CSS - ALB Gridrow - 1 column with link column not fullwidth
fixed: CSS indent bug in nested sidebar menus (left/right sidebar, widget menus)
fixed: Fullwidth Easy Slider issue where auto rotate stops working in Safari after a video slide

feature: Add custom ID and CSS class to timeline milestones
feature: Integrate Smash Balloon Instagram Feed plugin (free and pro version)
Feature: ALB magazine element supports post-format link

tweak: Option to disable adding timestamp to compressed css and js files
tweak: Advanced Styling selectors more strict to override standard selectors from stylesheets and custom css
tweak: ajax search support for WC option "Hide out of stock items from the catalog"
tweak: use get_title instead of inconsistent use of direct access to post_title in various places

added: title attribute to postslider link in ALB element

added: filter avf_postslider_link_title_attr: modify title attribute for link in ALB postslider
added: filter avf_show_option_toggles_advanced: Adds an extra select option to hide section headers in ALB
added: filter avf_ajax_search_woocommerce_params: allows to change displaying products out_of_stock, featured and hidden
added: filter avf_legacy_suppress_wp_filter_post_title: allows a fallback for unfiltered post_title where direct access was used previously

removed: deprecated classes hentry and vcard (microformats.com)

updated: French language file - equal alb options translation, "Google" services translated as "Mailchimp"
updated: Dutch language files
updated: German language files
updated: German formal language files
updated: Italian language files
improved: theme options to disable ALB modal popup options toggles (revert to old ALB design)

fixed: Blog multiauthor preview image links to author and not to post
fixed: ADA compliance aria-hidden for social icons, social share buttons and search icon
fixed: social share buttons added with filter no longer shown in
fixed: CSS for reCaptcha V3, added classes for reCaptcha V2 and reCaptcha V3 to form
fixed: ALB contact form datepicker throws js error when jQuery is loaded in footer
fixed: ALB editor Add Cell/Set Cell Size buttons not responsive for translations
fixed: Custom pages query to exclude hiding a page when same page object is queried
fixed: small typo in Iconbox element
fixed: Easy Slider caption sizes reverting back to "use default" after making custom settings
fixed: Google vocabulary.org schema is deprecated
fixed: Content partially cut off in Cookie modal window on mobile Safari

tweak: Column links open in new window and not in new tab for some browsers (e.g. FF)
tweak: Developer fields missing in fullwidth sub menu element
tweak: improved creation of avia folders and security
tweak: schema.org markup for testimonials

added: filter avf_merged_files_unique_id: allows to remove/customize added unique id for merged files
added: filter avf_folder_security: customize folder security from 755 on folder creation

Improved GPDR:
- feature: new option Accept essential cookies on pageload, user must opt in for other cookies
- added: Cookie info message now supports starts with, ends with, contains for cookie names (filter avf_privacy_cookie_infos)
- added: description text for some essential WP, WooCommerce, WPML cookies
- fixed: bug with custom wildcard cookies and path not /
- fixed: bug in option allow all cookies and services on pageload

Updated: Old Instagram icon to new one in social profiles
Updated: background color for social yelp icon to #d32323 on hover

updated: all German language files, de_DE GDPR translation adjustments
updated: Italien language files
updated: Dutch language files
updated: French language file - equal alb options translation