Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 6.0.8

Download Enfold - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 6.0.8 from nulled fire. Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme
- added: videos can now be opened in lightbox if desired
- added: theme support avia_privacy_ignore_browser_settings to disable browser settings checks
- added: custom ID to ALB codeblock
- added: backend toggle contaienr for better orgnisation of template builder options
- added: rel="noreferrer noopener" for <a target="_blank"> and cross domain links to ALB elements, menus and other links
- added: Replaced checkboxes with toggles on theme options page
- new filter: avf_save_string_translated allows to manipulate a sanitized css class or id

GDPR/DSGVO related improvements:
- improved: re arranged and cleaned up the Enfold Options Page for Privacy and Cookies
- added: theme support avia_privacy_basic_cookies_unchecked - allows to uncheck 2 basic toggles on initial pageload for new visitors when option selected "user must opt in"
- added: option to force a page reload when accepting/not accepting cookies/services
- added: Popup to inform user that page is reloading
- added: new button action "Accept all cookies and services, dismiss notification"
- added: shortcode av_privacy_accept_all_button - one click button to accept all cookies and services
- added: new filter: avf_auto_reload_message - allows to customize your reload message

- improved: modal popup can only be closed with button or close icon (when no button)
- improved: shortcodes and buttons are now disabled when cookie consent is disabled in theme options
- improved: Google Analytics toggle is disabled and unchecked if user selects "Do Not Track" in browser
- improved: added a description text option to several ALB elements in backend editor - allows to distinguish same elements with different content

- fixed: Hide message bar badge when message bar is hidden by theme option
- fixed: missing custom_class in ALB blog
- fixed: double custom_class CSS in ALB codeblock
- fixed: default blog style multi author CSS bug on mobiles (in blog.css)
- fixed: ALB contact form, hidden labels, label text not visible beside checkbox
- fixed: non unique id avia-menu when cloning if menu not in logo container
- fixed: locally hosted section background video not working when Cookie Consent is enabled
- fixed: problem with custom CSS and id's sanitizations to be too strict and incomplete
- fixed: Minor CSS timeline issue on mobile devices

- updated: German translations typo error, added some translations to de_DE_formal, de_CH, sync all 3 with source of 4.6.3
- updated: Google Maps version 3.38
- added: theme support "avia_privacy_show_cookie_info" - adds a tab to default modal popup window that show currently active and by js script accessable cookies (useful for developers to check)
- added: theme color for reCaptchaV2 checkbox is light in backend
- added: theme support "avia_recaptcha_show_legal_information" - shows Google reCaptcha Legal Information theme option select box to change Enfolds default behaviour (= show filterable standard text below submit button, hide badge on all pages
- added: admin notice for GDPR update

- fixed: Cookie consent "Link to page" not working after 4.6 update
- fixed: E-Mail validation contact form on mobiles

- removed: theme option "Select Theme Style For Verification In Backend" - reCaptcha V2
- removed: deprecated framework code

- improved: GDPR/DSGVO implementation to support implementation prior 4.6:
- all cookies and services accepted by default, visitor can opt out
- Visitor must opt in if option requires this
- added: option to switch to burger menu on different screen sizes in Fullwidth Submenu element
- added: option to use custom percent value for height in Color Section and GridRow elements
- added: new filters to manage WPML language Urls
- added: filter avf_single_event_upcoming_html
- added: Columns - add alt and text attribute to screenreader a tag
- added: filter avf_wc_product_order_dropdown_frontend - used on WooCommerce archive pages and ALB elements
- added: Hotspot image new option hover open - click to close
- added: language file for de_CH
- added: Filter avf_verification_password_field to change verification input field to password
- added: filter avf_post_nav_loop_args (better compatibility with standard WP function get_adjacent_post() )
- added: Filter ava_popup_elements_loaded
- added: Date query option to various ALB elements:
- Blog Post
- Post Slider
- Magazine
- Portfolio Grid
- Masonry
- Featured Image Slider
- Accordeon Slider

- fixed: a bug with ALB shortcode on non ALB pages
- fixed: a bug with changed query parameters for upcoming events
- fixed: an empty string caused problem with translation plugin
- fixed: deprecated function get_woocommerce_term_meta
- fixed: Events Countdown Date Query changed
- fixed: custom CSS class were cleared when switching option "Show element options for developers"
- fixed: Events Count Down - Events Calendar changed internal post data structure
- fixed: Changed WC default sort order to DESC (if not set by option)
- fixed: Problem with content slider not showing
- fixed: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in framework\php\class-grecaptcha.php
- fixed: Problem with Google Recaptcha and Enfold file merging and compression, exclude reCAPTCHA_API js from compression
- fixed: Problem with bbPress and ALB shortcodes in "Page As Footer" page
- fixed: problem with not translatable string "Share this entry"

- improved: automated color calculations
- improved: switching relative Urls to absolute Urls in compression of css files
- improved: activate reCAPTCHA only on pages with the contact form element
- improved: Google Maps widget and ALB element give feedback when API disabled with filter avf_load_google_map_api_prohibited

- updated: Swedish language files