EventON - RSVP Events 2.9.12

Download EventON - RSVP Events 2.9.12 from nulled fire. RSVP addon for eventON allows you to enable your website visitors to RSVP to your events.
ADDED: ability to upload file as additional rsvp field
ADDED: additional compatibility with virtual events
ADDED: actionuser event manager see signed in guests check mark nex to guest name
ADDED: actionuser event manager to refresh rsvp content button
ADDED: actionuser event manager to rsvp a new guest on the spot
ADDED: actionuser event manager instant search for attendee field
ADDED: new rsvp guest to be created an account in site and login them in on success
ADDED: option to send new user temp password in confirmation email
ADDED: virtual event plus addon compatibility
FIXED: stylesheetpath to also check for rsvp manager template
FIXED: not able to check in guests from backend
FIXED: rsvp post abd backend checkin status color sync
FIXED: can_user_rsvp() algorithm for user loggedin value
FIXED: actionuser event manager translated checkin status not working
FIXED: default rsvp status to be yes
FIXED: event over tag showing before the event ends
UPDATED: wp-admin rsvp tag colors
ADDED: ability to search event RSVPs by attendee name in wp-admin
FIXED: virtual event options filter available in frontend as well
FIXED: repeating events first instance showing all the guests from other repeats
FIXED: month long and yearlong events showing virtual event information before rsvp
FIXED: admin checking rsvp not working
FIXED: manage capaciaty for each repeat date time not working
FIXED: manage repeat capaccity input fields how showing more than 10
FIXED: manage repeat input fields layout
FIXED: confirmation email not including the virtual event link
FIXED: when waitlist users able to change RSVP no to yes - thanks Tina
FIXED: virtual event show access information during event live - thanks Philip
FIXED: view attendees not showing attendees