EventON - Sync Events Addon 1.2.7

Download EventON - Sync Events Addon 1.2.7 from nulled fire. Fetch and import events into your EventON calendar.
Facebook Pages and Events
You can retrieve events from publicly shared Facebook pages or individual events and import them into EventON. Facebook events must not have any restrictions.

More Google Calendars
You can fetch and import events from 5 different Google calendars. There is an additional filter available which allows you to fetch events from more calendars if need. Refer to documentation on how to do it.

Auto Schedule Fetch & Sync
With the Sync addon, you can schedule runs that will automatically fetch, sync, and import events for you.

Save Imports
Classify your obatined events into 3 different event post statuses: draft, publish, and private.

Sync Already Imports
Effortlessly sync imported events to reflect changes made on Facebook or Google calendar.

Offset Event Times
This gives you the option to alter fetched event times to match correct time during the import process.

Default Event Type Terms
Assign event types to fetched events. This classification allows the events to easily be distinguished later

During fetching and importing, you can get detailed reports on the status of individual item.

EventON - Sync Events Addon

(827.4 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By