EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.8.2

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.8.2 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
FIXED: event type color not passing to get_tax_ids()
FIXED: Repeat interval custom not saving date correct
FIXED: event location names list getting cut off in the shortcode generator
FIXED: single event box show_exp_evc=yes not working when linking to external url
FIXED: wp-admin javascript text string translations
ADDED: ux_val=4a to open event as single event page in new window
FIXED: empty schema organizer undefined error
FIXED: schema description, name show multiple times in abbreviated versions
FIXED: schema organizer to have organization property instead of person
FIXED: event card open on default not loading google map
FIXED: language not passing to new months
FIXED: Calendar shell to set fixed_day if shortcode values empty line:197
FIXED: by default save lang corresponding value when saving events
FIXED: Date picker not saving time correctly for events
FIXED: Events lists to use new date object instead of using calendar date object
FIXED: search all not sending results for some websites
FIXED: Map zoom level not processed on new months
FIXED: filter button to hide when no filters are selected in settings
FIXED: wp-admin filter events by past current error on missing value
FIXED: Repeating events not appearing in events lists
FIXED: Schema showing description as html