EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
This v2.6.7 is activated,no license nedded

ADDED: missing lang trnaslation for event text
ADDED: Day name on eventtop for multiday events as well
ADDED: New calendar object to process calendar settings faster with less codes
ADDED: hide end date via shortcode on calendar
ADDED: option to specify day light savings events to auto adjust time
ADDED: faster way to save and retrieve event data
FIXED: email share capitalize month name
FIXED: add to gcal leave - when there is no address
FIXED: Repeating event URL not passing correctly
FIXED: Event map addon passing incorrect addon ID for license activation
FIXED: current month button hiding when jumper go to next year same month
FIXED: search query checking for post_type exists
FIXED: Missing translations for past and future event filtering
FIXED: open in single event page not passing lang value to URL
FIXED: search on event list showing results as duplicated
FIXED: CSV exporter breaking column structure
FIXED: adjusting event time adding duplicate repeats
FIXED: CSV not exporting the organizer name correct
UPDATED: event object with smart formatted time method
FIXED: AJAX based load more events not working correct
FIXED: addon details actionuser plus ID correction
FIXED: Shortcode generator tooltips not showing
FIXED: All day events on multi days not showing end date
FIXED: datetime object get_int_correct_event_time return error
FIXED: Event inclusion in search results breaking bbpress forums
FIXED: load more events via ajax not reseting paged val
FIXED: subtitle with double quotes not saving correct
UPDAETD: Better URL structure for passing repeat event information
UPDATED: event edit meta box colors to a lighter colors
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Reactions: bazinga
ADDED: Option to disable auto generated og: meta tags
ADDED: Notice for interchangeable shortcode usage
ADDED: Single event to be able to pass arguments using filter eventon_single_event_page_data
FIXED: all events wp-admin responsiveness
FIXED: Language saved text are not reflecting upon page reload
FIXED: Missing backend translation codes
FIXED: Facebook share image to be full size
FIXED: Single event not correctly using map scroll disable
FIXED: Deprecation handling method
FIXED: Quick edit not saving some of yes no values