EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.4

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.4 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
ADDED: option to disable jitsi external API from loading
ADDED: website time on event edit page
ADDED: utc offset time method (Beta)
FIXED: minor styles updates
FIXED: duplicate language string editing issue
FIXED: day/days for happening now calendar and live time remaining
FIXED: jitsi external api loading on wp-admin pages
FIXED: open location link in new window showing as input field
FIXED: link passed as multi data field convert to clickable link
FIXED: month nav arrow hover color not working
FIXED: virtual event access box styles for responsiveness
FIXED: virtual live showing sooner than it should be
FIXED: live now and other current time validations to use UTC offset event times universally
FIXED: stop running initial ajax call if ajax loading calendars are not in page
FIXED: widget arrow styles
FIXED: single repeat event header month correction
ADDED: zoom meeting with meeting authentication ability
ADDED: social media links support for event organizer
ADDED: pluggable filter for ics download for an event
ADDED: jitsi complete integration for virtual events
ADDED: moderator role selection option for virtual events
ADDED: all language strings duplicates to be updated when editing duplites
ADDED: event starting shortly notice for virtual events 30 minutes before
FIXED: live now bar showing NAN for days
FIXED: repeat events skipping certain months on monthly generator
FIXED: _convert_ssl_url() for urls without protocol
FIXED: colorpicker to have unique class
FIXED: undefined class error evo_admin()
FIXED: search showing same events multiple times
FIXED: event details ul ol formatting
FIXED: live bar layout issues on tile
FIXED: post event content display issues
UPDATED: color scheme for over all plugin backend
UPDATED: virtual events access section on eventcard
ADDED: related events to be orders in ascending order & minor style update
ADDED: jitsi, vimeo, twitch, wistia & RTMP stream as options for virtual event streaming
FIXED: font awesome backward icon compatibility
FIXED: open location in new window not saving value
FIXED: live now calendar d text translation for countdown timer
FIXED: Eventon element date picker start opening end time
FIXED: shortcode generator icon missing from classic editor