EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
FIXED: organizer page social links not working
FIXED: ux_val 4a loading event card content
FIXED: event time remaining calculated incorrectly
FIXED: location page layout issue
FIXED: schema information not showing in event
FIXED: add to google calendar only link not working
FIXED: EVO()->elements->print_date_time_selector() date_format_hidden field not working
UPDATED: eventon_ics_download input sanitation
ADDED: option to disable event URL encoding in social share items
FIXED: further all day event issues on ICS file
FIXED: event bubble styles for event lists
FIXED: Cal date range fixed month and year value format to int
FIXED: email not sending issue using evo_helper send_email()
FIXED: default image not showing on some rare cases
ADDED: option to set custom email character type encoding method via settings
FIXED: all day events correction for ICS file
FIXED: email encoding changes causing errors on emails