EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.4

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.4 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
FIXED: undefined map values error when settings are not saved
FIXED: Feature events from wp-admin leading to 0 error
FIXED: text strings with [] not able to save value
FIXED: multi data types to filter description using the_content wp filter
FIXED: add to calendar cross site scrip vulnerability
FIXED: adding new locations not generating latlon because of gmap API requirement
FIXED: disble sorting events in wp-admin using unsupported event location tax filter
FIXED: appearance event title color not changing on tiles view
ADDED: reply-to argument for evo helpder object
FIXED: event sorting not showing up under filters
FIXED: RTL Tiles date not showing correct
FIXED: Template loader to support additional taxonomies
FIXED: when search input text to show by default hide search completely
FIXED: evo_get_wp_events_array() function not applying shortcode argument values to events list
FIXED: learn more event card field showing as 50% width
FIXED: event main js file had unsed loop code
FIXED: missing eventon class in class-evo-admin.php file
FIXED: repeat instance buttons under dark theme
FIXED: repeating interval validation error on fnc get_correct_formatted_event_repeat_time()
FIXED: EventON datetime not processing the date correct when previously saved repeats available
FIXED: Widget featured image styles
UPDATED: frontend yes no button styles
UPDATED: when creating or setting new event location in backend to set generate map to on
UPDATED: Twitter share link with ../intent/tweet/
FIXED: EventON license key format validation error
FIXED: filters not showing by default on calendars