EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.4

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.4 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
ADDED: print_ligthbox_button element
ADDED: option to disable custom meta field sanitizing
ADDED: secondary organizer description field to support html content
FIXED: eventon elements code errors
FIXED: widget arrow CSS error
FIXED: template loader not loading correct child location
FIXED: settings eventcard note with div cause issues when translated
FIXED: virtual visible event end time fix issue
FIXED: JSON LD location with double quotes parsing
FIXED: multi data type image save not working
FIXED: month_incre value getting stripped of -/+ values with PHP versions
FIXED: shortcode generator going to inside step on load
FIXED: minor time and location icon cutoff in eventtop
FIXED: event custom meta field saving twice
FIXED: event custom meta images not saving
FIXED: organizer social media links to open in new window
FIXED: removed empty button on organizer and location event edit form
FIXED: organizer details lightbox no image content width
FIXED: eventtop title across layout issue
FIXED: organizer info opened from eventtop replacing previous opened lightbox content
UPDATED: eventon_functions.js
UPDATED: wp-admin lightbox design and formatting
UPDATED: EVO_General_Elements() class with global dynamic button function
UPDATED: lightbox close button DOM element to span from a
UPDATED: moved html content sanitize as an option to settings
ADDED: setting to enable sanitize custom meta field saving
FIXED: organizer description inside div
FIXED: taxonomy save description to use html sanitize
FIXED: custom meta field ul not saving correctly
FIXED: custom meta field value in eventtop formatted with wp_kses()
FIXED: event edit meta box closed status not saving
FIXED: NOT filter not resetting back and other minor filter issues
FIXED: ux_val getting overridden after lightbox event open
FIXED: html content not saving for subtitle
FIXED: Moved custom meta fields into separate section
REMOVED: unsupported eventbrite language fields
FIXED: performer schema data disable option not passing value correct
FIXED: minor schema errors
FIXED: Missing organizer url from JSON-LD schema data
FIXED: organizer archive page showing all social icons
FIXED: elementor shortcode not working
FIXED: custom meta field wysiwyg field not working
FIXED: orgnizer and performer schema giving errors
FIXED: elementor compatibility
FIXED: custom meta field content formating
UPDATED: licenses page design