EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.4

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.4 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
ADDED: option to disable virtual event access redirecting/ hiding
ADDED: hideable field values in eventon settings
ADDED: full integration with zoom meetings
ADDED: ability to create edit and delete zoom meetings from event page
ADDED: elementor - eventon shortcode generator for elementor editor page
ADDED: eventon elements which will be used standard everywhere in eventON
ADDED: shortcode option to select tile background image size
FIXED: shortcode generator intial load showing extra ]
FIXED: RTL calendar arrows to navigation opposite way
FIXED: feature event image pushing out of view on mobile
FIXED: gutenberg shortcode generator not reseting on new block or classic editor
FIXED: default featured event image not showing for some events
FIXED: load_google_maps_api() not loading correctly on the header
FIXED: sprint correct application on post registration
FIXED: virtual event link with duplicate / in link
FIXED: third party paypal payment event meta box not showing
FIXED: php 7.4 related code errors
FIXED: lightbox button color not changing
UPDATED: eventon wordpress widgets layouts
UPDATED: tooltip styles and animation
UPDATED: minor styles on various UI elements
Finally the dev provided the correct version 2.8.10
ADDED: Event post compatible with gutenberg editor
ADDED: Shortcode generator based eventon gutenberg block
ADDED: Event post editable using gutenberg editor
ADDED: collapsable sections into shortcode generator
FIXED: organizer URL field causing issues in the schema data
FIXED: style misalign for learn more field. - Thank you Torsten S.
FIXED: category widget not unselecting the values when saved
FIXED: duplicate text in eventon language to be overridden with one value
FIXED: missing language options for virtual events
FIXED: event color hex code to be stripped to 6 characters
UPDATED: moved extra event images to a separate box
UPDATED: event edit row select field to be generalized for used
UPDATED: eventon logo as SVG instead of font to cut down on file size and load time