EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.8

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.8 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
ADDED: wp-admin filter events by event month
ADDED: Remove wp-admin all events default WP month filter
FIXED: search box not showing results
FIXED: Event descriptions escape quotations on frontend
FIXED: disable schema on site causing code errors
FIXED: Other schema related issues with google structured data tester
FIXED: latlng only locations map not showing without address
FIXED: Quick edit end time not showing
FIXED: Repeat interval not linking right for 1st instance
FIXED: 1st of future repeat intervals not showing on eventcard
FIXED: evc_open shortcode not effecting on addons
FIXED: license activation on remote server PHP version code error
FIXED: Sunday translations not passing through to init data
FIXED: Removing input field value from shortcode generator to remove shortcode value
FIXED: search all not searching past events
FIXED: Widget social share icons
FIXED: user interaction open in external url not working
FIXED: ICS download all events to only include future events
FIXED: Related events remove button not working
FIXED: Google map not loading on new loaded months
FIXED: Search box results not working
FIXED: Widget upcoming events not working
FIXED: Location address not showing in the eventtop
FIXED: Event type color override to pass into events data object
FIXED: Events list multiple months cut off time errors
UPDATED: Shortcode generator to use custom wpdb queries instead of wp_query
ADDED: pluggable filter to change the eventtop below title date time format
ADDED: SEO json schema pluggable function eventon_event_json_schema_adds
ADDED: AJAX based event loading to hide show more events button when at end
ADDED: Show more events in calendar to change to loading view during ajax
ADDED: option to set 1 letter week day names in eventon > language
ADDED: Related events for each event
ADDED: ability to show only set event filter values in filter drop down SC:filter_show_set_only
ADDED: past and future filtering via shortcode SC:event_past_future
ADDED: Shortcode based event filter relationship method SC:filter_relationship
ADDED: Basic events list to support event filtering for more than one month
ADDED: Ability to export eventon language as just text strings for easy translation
ADDED: Option in location term edit to use latlng for get directions location
ADDED: Event filter terms to have proper html class names
ADDED: Shortcode generator to be able to select event type filter values easily
ADDED: shortcode option to disable initial calendar loading via ajax using cal_init_nonajax='yes'
FIXED: JSON schema data error
FIXED: cron process events marking them as completed code error
FIXED: hide multiple occurance effecting multiple calendars on same page
FIXED: Cal_id variable passed with space to be escaped with dash
FIXED: get_next_current_repeat() not returning correct repeat data
FIXED: get_all_event_data() function meta field incorrect value
FIXED: yes no field passed value to be formatted to lower case
FIXED: Social share links on https
FIXED: Filter values not working correctly with multiple filters
FIXED: Correct event URL passing with lang variations in the url from EVO_Event()->get_permalink
FIXED: additional images box showing on other posts as well
FIXED: Custom date format to reflect on event edit date selection
FIXED: event location and organizer add new term text strings
FIXED: Widget check box clicking not enabling save button
FIXED: Shortcode generator changes not applying to shortcode in real time
UPDATED: Using PHP datetime function and moment.js for time calculations
UPDATED: pluggable filter eventon_evt_fe_time to support extra values for event time
UPDATED: Styles for the calendar elements and on frontend
UPDATED: calendar event filtering mechanism and loading shortcodes to calendar
UPDATED: Bubble events calendar hover animation