EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.7.3

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.7.3 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
ADDED: get_repeats_adjusted() to return timezone adjusted repeat times array
FIXED: eventon_script.js variable error
FIXED: Events->get_taxonomy_data() code error
FIXED: virtual event link saved not showing correct
FIXED: organizer lightbox twitter icon
FIXED: php 8.2 deprecated properties
FIXED: current month button not working properly
FIXED: filter value selection and reselecting not working
FIXED: url with special character not saving
UPDATED: eventon settings > styles layout design
FIXED: XSS vulnerability with subtitle field
FIXED: wp-admin font styles
FIXED: Data store to update events global data object
FIXED: loading image text showing
FIXED: settings appearance color circles tooltip
UPDATED: EVO_Event class to support object instances
REMOVED: Php code execution from settings - potential security vulnerabilities
= 4.6.4 (2024-5-7) =
ADDED: location latlon error API notices to show on page
ADDED: settings new settings field support for addons
ADDED: evo_lang function for javascript
ADDED: image loading text for feature image
FIXED: undefined errors in get_translated_datetime()
FIXED: custom date format not working with \ special characters
FIXED: image lightbox clicks open blank lightbox
FIXED: filter bar opening on multiple calendars on same page
FIXED: single event shortcode generator events list order by event title AZ
UPDATED: Font awesome library to version 6.5.2