Download FacetWP 4.3 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
Fixed: PHP "null coalescing operator" error for sites running PHP 5
Fixed: PHP "undefined index" warning for the sort facet
New:sort facets! Create your own sort boxes from within the admin UI
New:inheritable facets! Facet types can now inherit the UI from other facet types. Range List is the first add-on to incorporate this feature, letting you choose whether to display a dropdown, checkboxes, radio, etc.
New:facet field registration (more info coming in 4.0)
Improved:smarter "re-index" notifier, now ignores non-indexable facets (search, pager, etc)
Improved:simplified the internal `get_svg` method
Improved:removed unnecessary Vue dependencies, updated libs
Improved:tweaked admin UI font sizes, other styles
Improved:updated admin labels and tooltips for more clarity
Improved:hide the data source "ACF" header if no ACF fields exist
Improved:search facet - set autocomplete = "off"
Fixed:fUtil - return empty results when the selector is an empty string (jQuery parity)
Improved: SearchWP - faster speed by loading only necessary data (props Remco)
Improved: SearchWP - support additional args passed into SWP_Query (post_type, post_status, meta_query, etc)
Improved: A11y - added ARIA support for fSelect facets
Improved: Layout builder - add row count class (r1, r2, etc) to the `.fwpl-result` element
Fixed: fUtil - `.prev`, `.next`, `.find` and `closest` methods now support multiple selectors
Fixed: the above fUtil change fixes previously-broken Conditional Logic actions