Download FacetWP 4.3 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
Improved: Refactored sort logic
Improved: Multisite update notification support
Improved: A11y - allow for translations of pager-related ARIA attributes
Improved: Query builder - added `EMPTY` and `NOT EMPTY` clauses to the query filter UI
Fixed: Admin UI styling tweaks (font sizes)
Updated: Translations
Improved: Query builder styling tweaks
Improved: Value modifiers UI setting supports both HTML entities (e.g. & copy;) and symbols (e.g. ©)
Fixed: Prevent scrollbar shift when using the actions popup (on the facet/template listing screens)
Fixed: Layout builder - `date_format` and `input_format` settings should have a default value
Fixed Prevent manual indexing issues when the `facetwp_indexer_is_enabled` hook is false
Updated: VueJS, SortableJS, noUiSlider, and vue-select
FacetWP 4.0.4
Fixed:prevent facets from being named `labels` to prevent issues
Fixed:Ignore non-facet (i.e. custom) fSelects