Download FacetWP 4.3.5 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
  • New facetwp_asset_html hook for customizing an asset's HTML tag
  • Improve layout builder - automatically attempt to display array values
  • Improve layout builder - force 1-column layout for mobile (<= 480px)
  • Improve layout builder - added CSS classes to taxonomy terms
  • Improve layout builder - better support for Post Excerpt and Post Content
  • Fix "Purchase ID" not passed into new support tickets
-Improve make all data sources (WooCommerce, ACF, etc) available in query builder
-Improve fSelect now supports on non-facet elements
-Fix issue with query builder and "EXISTS" or "NOT EXISTS"
-Fix name field input backwards (or sdrawkcab)
-Fix star rating now uses HTML equivalent of ★
-Fix prevent FWP()->ajax->query_vars PHP notice
-Improve accessibility.js support for selections shortcode
-Improve clear updater cache upon license activation
-Fix date_range issue when Fields to show = "Exact" and Compare type = "Enclose"
-Fix number_range logic fixes
-Fix "Fields to show" setting not saving for range facets
-Fix "Source other" setting not saving properly
-Fix WooCommerce settings issue
-Fix star rating labels weren't translatable
-Updated translations