Download FacetWP 4.2.12 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
Change: WP and FWP versions are now sent on update checks. This allows us to better determine when to remove support for older versions.
Improve: automatically support the facetwp query arg
Fix issue: with autocomplete facets on WP page templates (props neuralab)
Updated: flatpickr 4.4.3
New: facetwp_acf_object_id hook (to support the User Post Type plugin)
Changed: bumped the GitHub Updater version to WP 4.7
Fix: fSelect query bug when there's no initial results
Improved: "fade" is now the default loading animation
Fix: don't overwrite custom "post__in" query arg
Fix: fSelects would freeze when `FWP.auto_refresh` = false
Fix: preserve `FWP.settings.num_choices` when paging
Fix: autocomplete issue with CSS-based templates