Download FacetWP 4.3.5 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
  • Improve ability to see raw Query Builder arguments
  • Improve remove empty Query Builder arguments
  • Improve use DECIMAL for better Query Builder number comparison
  • Fix WooCommerce sort box wasn't sorting properly
  • Fix translate date range "from" and "to" text
Improve added "No results found" text for fSelect facets
Improve Data Source dropdown has more horizontal space
Improve custom shortcode atts can be accessed via FWP()->display->shortcode_atts
Improve updated vendor assets (Vue, noUiSlider, Font Awesome, etc)
Fix issues with GitHub Updater Lite (add-on update notifications)
Improve added "!=" operator to the Query Builder
Improve better support for custom Query Builder data sources
Improve WooCommerce "price" fields now support variable products
Change removed admin notices
Updated translations