Download FacetWP 4.3.5 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
Improve Layout builder - rearranged settings for easier access
Improve Layout builder - better color picker
Improve Layout builder - {{magic}} tags within HTML items are more lenient w/ spaces
Improve Query builder - filter/sort dropdowns now use fSelect (searchable!)
Improve better handling of custom queries using the no_found_rows var
Improve search facets using SearchWP now support attachments
Improve hide "_" prefixed ACF fields (since they only contain field references)
Improve updated accessibility.js to add ARIA support for checkbox toggle links
Fix reverted ACF changes to fix issue with ACF fields + "Source other"
Fix disable browser autofill for Proximity facets
Fix Dutch translation tweaks
Updated fSelect.js
Improve added depth classes (d0, d1, etc) to fSelect choices
Improve only perform add-on update checks if FacetWP has an active license
Improve ACF integration now uses the facetwp_indexer_row_data hook
Improve added fs:eek:pened event to fSelects
Fix custom translations can be added to wp-content/languages/plugins/fwp-front-[LANG].mo
Fix issue with "Source other" not toggling other facet settings
Fix Dutch translations
Updated jQuery Minicolors
Updated translation sources
-Important renamed wp.hooks to FWP.hooks due to conflicts with WP 5.0
-Important This is a breaking change. Please see the related blog post