Download FacetWP 4.3.4 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
PHP error for some users when Debug Mode is enabled
updated "new ticket" URL to prevent 301 redirect
-added hooks_used, row_counts, and last_indexed to the Debug Mode JS output (very helpful when troubleshooting sites)
-removed redundant data from the "Show indexer stats" menu
-doubled the textarea height for "advanced mode" inputs
-mention -1 in the "Count" setting tooltip
-only intercept the first detected EDD [downloads] query
added "Value modifiers" UI setting to include / exclude certain facet choices
the fetch API method can now be accessed via FWP()->api
added internal facet render_setting method (less code duplication)
PHP notice involving register_rest_route in WP 5.4.2
layout builder - renamed "Results per row" to "Grid columns"