Fancy Product Designer 6.4.3

Download Fancy Product Designer 6.4.3 from nulled fire. Fancy Product Designer - WooCommerce/WordPress
New Features
- CSS variables are used for the color theme

- Color suggestions available in stroke palette as well for color picker

- Doyle theme: Close button on mobile added for main bar

Bugs fixed
Nonce field added for import function

- Layer Depth Changeable removed for upload zone in product builder (no effect)

- Colour names won't allow two words

- Syntax error in class-product.php

- Not all emojis were detected when disableTextEmojis is enabled
- Max. height of 200px set for color palette

- Sorting layer items in the manage layers module
Bugs fixed
- Whitelist files for imports
- SQL injection checks for several database requests added

- getUsedFonts() did not include the font variants of a custom font

- Applied pattern is removed when an old color value exists

- Adding images with an angle into an upload zone did not center the image correct
Bugs fixed
- "Auto-fill upload zones" did not work with multiple views
- Updated to FB V12 login process

- When using the Layouts module, the undo button is active when the product loads.

- Doyle theme: Open text input on select not working on mobile

- Sanitizing input fields to prevent XSS
- Chrome: Downloading demo did not work

- Disabled media module (designs, image, text) does not disable the module used with shortcode

- Google webfonts are now loaded from local JSON file instead of calling google api to prevent api request limits

- Save 3d product to user account Saved Products, then when you click on one, 3d preview is missing from canvas.

- Check uploaded zip via import for malicious files