Fancy Product Designer 6.1.91

Download Fancy Product Designer 6.1.91 from nulled fire. Fancy Product Designer - WooCommerce/WordPress
New Features
- Option „Swap Product Confirmation" to toggle the confirmation dialog when changing product in the Products module
- Custom product thumbnail is now embedded in the mail to fix e.g. the display problem in Gmail
- The corner controls are now moved outside of the object box

Bugs fixed
- Resize To Width/Height values with 0 as string was not ignored
- Displaying problem for specific design categories in a view
- When an image was added to the upload zone, which did not fit the image requirements, uploading another one was not working
- Snap-To-Grid not working in IE11
New Features

- Product Builder. Toggle Smart Guides Button
- Confirmation Dialog for product module Add confirmation dialog when changing product : Fancy Product Designer
- resizeToW and resizeToH parameters are accepting percentage values now. This allows to scale the image relative to canvas size. Designs RELATIVE size, in % of canvas height/width : Fancy Product Designer
- The „Customization Required“ option accepts now different values to control if any view needs to be customized or all views. CUSTOMISATION REQUIRED FOR ALL VIEWS BEFORE ADD TO CART : Fancy Product Designer
- Added font family, font size to „Text Layers" module

Bugs fixed

- „Variation Needed“ option only worked when variation had a FPD product
- Transform button in toolbar was shown even when no sub tools were shown
- The stroke of highlighted objects (highlightEditableObjects option) were displayed in the data URL
- Search bar was not displaying when using a single category
- When undo-ing a removed element, the z-index was ignored
New Features
- Default font with dropdown
- Required for Fancy Product Designer REST API 1.5.0

Bugs fixed
- Mobile: Textarea in Toolbar could not be scrolled
- IE: Sometimes the uploaded image was not added into the correct upload zone
- Uni-scaling not working correctly
- Text rules (max. lines and length) are not checked when pasting text into textarea
- Android: The toolbar closed itself when using zoom tool before
- deprecated get_product_from_item() replaced with $item->get_product()