Fancy Product Designer 6.4.3

Download Fancy Product Designer 6.4.3 from nulled fire. Fancy Product Designer - WooCommerce/WordPress
New: Edit size of canvas in views nav element when dynamic views is enabled

New: Enter the mail address(es) for the shortcode oder notificiation

New: Save/Load action added again Save/load

New: Set custom text warning displaying when unlocking optional view Warning when unlocking the optional view

New: Disable bold/italic style buttons for text when font variant is not available (only for custom fonts) Disable italic/bold buttons when fonts for these styles not available.

New: Pricing Rule "Coverage" | Calculate a price by the percentage coverage of the printing box Pricing by % of used area in Printing Box

New: Set a border radius for bounding box Add radius to bounding box (circle)

Bug: Print file is not attached to Gravity form admin notification mail

Bug: 3D Preview not loading when FPD product has no images

Bug: "Import Printful Product" Button appeared two times

Bug: In some cases the add-to-cart button kept disabled when using WCBV with FPD