Formidable Forms Pro 6.9

Download Formidable Forms Pro 6.9 from nulled fire. Formidable Forms Pro it’s The best WordPress form plugin.
New: Phone fields now support a new International phone type option to enable International Telephone Input Validation by Twilio.
New: Pagination settings have been moved to the form builder. The rootline element or progress bar will now be displayed in the form builder.
New: Button settings have been moved to the form builder, as settings for the new submit button field.
New: When searching for entries by Entry creation date or updated timestamps on the entries list page, entries will be queried using the server timezone instead of UTC. To revert this behaviour, a new frm_should_search_admin_entries_created_at_in_utc filter has been added.
Fix: An update to treat single line text lookup field values as empty when using conditional logic has been reverted because it introduced other bugs with look up fields and conditional logic.
Fix: The frm_field_input_html hook was not calling for hidden inputs used for file fields.
Fix: Dynamic field entries will no longer include in-progress or abandoned entries by default. Support for new options have been added for the frm_dynamic_field_include_drafts filter to modify the default behaviour.
Fix: Some PHP warnings have been fixed for Slider fields formatted as custom currency that have been imported with incomplete option data.
Fix: Most currency symbols other than $ would appear as encoded data for a currency formatted Slider field.
Fix: Some value types, like dates, would trigger warnings when calling array_sum when used in [frm-stats] shortcodes when using some options including maximum.
Fix: When the frm_field_input_html to echo HTML for a dynamic field loaded from an AJAX request, the request would fail because of an invalid AJAX response.
Fix: A fileperms(): stat failed PHP warning would get logged when trying to get the chmod value of a file that does not exist.
Several old deprecated views functions and view files have been removed, as well as FrmProLookupFieldsController::add_standard_field_options, FrmProFormsController::user_options, several function in FrmProFieldsController, and FrmProEntriesController::ajax_get_data.
New: Repeaters now support a new "Minimum Repeater Rows" setting. When this is defined, repeater will load with the set number of rows, and remove buttons will be hidden when at the minimum number of rows. The Repeat Limit setting has been renamed to "Maximum Repeater Rows" as well.
New: GET params will now get passed when editing in-place.
New: The [frm-field-value] shortcode now supports several new options including sanitize="1", sanitize_url="1", clickable="1", and remove_accents="1".
New: Embedded fields can now be selected for lookup and dynamic field options.
New: Rich text fields will now use a more complete shortcode pop up in the form builder.
Fix: Entry search has been updated to properly support searching for whole terms when wrapping multiple words in double quotes.
Fix: Checks have been added to avoid fatal errors when trying to extend the time limit when the function is disabled.
Fix: Shortcodes that rely on the global post object like [post_title] were not working for default value inputs when adding a new repeater row.
Fix: The average boxes will no longer be shown by default on the reports page for hidden fields that do not use numeric values. This prevents an array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type string PHP warning.
Fix: Text calculations would not work when referencing a lookup value in an embedded form.
Fix: Only the first checkbox value would import when importing a value for a lookup field.
Fix: Some Slim Select look up fields were still getting reset to no value when editing an entry after the look up event happens on page load.
Fix: Slim Select dropdowns would appear cut off when using the Bootstrap add-on with Bootstrap 3 selected.
Fix: A Slim Select dropdown with "Automatic width" selected would not have automatic width, appearing as 100% width instead.
Fix: An Undefined array key "exclude_cat" PHP Warning has been fixed.
Fix: A fatal error when occur after changing a checkbox product field with multiple default values to a user defined product field.
Fix: Lookup validation wouldn't fail when submitting a required lookup field in a repeater with no value selected.
Fix: A styling issue was fixed in the pop up to add a new page to an application.
Fix: Conditional logic based on a single line text lookup field value will now be treated as empty until the first text lookup request has completed. This prevents an issue where custom HTML field error messages would appear temporarily after typing.
A disabled previous button will now appear as faded out for a better user experience.
New: The option to limit entries now supports multiple values, so entries can be limited by IP, Cookie, and Logged In User all at the same time.
New: The option to limit entries now includes the option to limit entries by an email field.
New: [frm-graph] shortcodes now support data_type="maximum" and data_type="minimum" options. When used, the graph will show the highest or lowest value for a target field respectively.
New: Datepickers will now use the WordPress "Week Starts On" option by default when the Datepicker locale is set to English.
New: Slim Select dropdowns will now copy the tabindex attribute from the original dropdown when applicable.
New: When filtering dynamic field options to only show options for the current user, only options created by logged out users will be displayed for logged out users. A new frm_restrict_options_for_logged_out_users filter has been added to revert this to the previous behaviour if desired.
Fix: The selected Slim Select look up values would not properly get applied properly after after doing a look up.
Fix: CSS rules for slider fields would include !important twice when the option to Overwrite theme styling was enabled. This would raise errors when validating CSS.
Fix: The live builder preview for star rating fields was not working properly after changing the Maximum Star Rating input.
Fix: A few PHP Notice: Undefined index messages have been corrected when sending usage tracking data.
Fix: Summary fields would display an empty box when showing the summary for a section with no field values.
Fix: When moving to the previous page and back, the previously unselected checkbox values load again with values when the option to save drafts was enabled.
Fix: A deprecated use of self was fixed on the Site Health admin page.
Some old CSS rules using -webkit- and -moz- prefixes have been removed, helping to reduce CSS file size.
The deprecated setting to Include accordion javascript has been removed.