Give - BrainTree Gateway 1.2.4

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Download Give - BrainTree Gateway 1.2.4 from nulled fire. Give BrainTree Gateway allows you to accept credit cards directly on your website
* Fix: Corrected an issue with validating credit card CVV numbers properly. Now an error displays and is logged in wp-admin in the case of an error.
* Maintenance: Added compatibility with the upcoming version Give Core 2.5.0 settings.
* New: Include Braintree SDK with Composer and autoload for fewer plugin conflicts.
* Tweak: Ensure that PHP 5.4+ is in use on the site and fail gracefully if not.
* Tweak: Update doc link using shortlink for easier update in case the link changes.
* Fix: Resolved conflict with Paid Memberships Pro plugin.
* Fix: Send the donor's billing details to Braintree's vault for improved payment gateway records.