Give - Stripe Gateway 2.6.0

Download Give - Stripe Gateway 2.6.0 from nulled fire. Give Stripe Gateway allows you to collect donations through Give using the Stripe payment gateway.
* New: Apple and Google pay are now integrated!
* New: Stripe Elements is now used to accept credit cards on site more securely and intuitively. Check out the single field mode to accept credit cards. It's really slick and intuitive.
* New: There's a new Stripe integration with the iDeal payment gateway. This gateway is popular in Europe and can easily be enabled under you payment gateway settings.
* New: Custom form fields and additional meta data is now sent to Stripe so you can cross reference directly within the payment gateway.
* New: Stripe + Plaid has a new feature to put Plaid's API in "Test", "Development", or "Live" mode depending on your needs.
* New: 3D Secure cards are now supported.
* New: The Stripe Customer ID now appears under the donor's profile and can be easily adjusted in case it ever needs to be updated.
* Tweak: Additional security hardening for WordPress VIP.
* Fix: Added support for Stripe's latest API version with backwards compatibility for older API version users.
* New: Added support for the upcoming Currency Switcher add-on.
* Fix: Stripe's checkout modal was incorrectly opening if a server side validation error occurred (such as not entering your postal code). Now Stripe waits for the validation to occur in Give core and if valid will open.
* Fix: Multi-level forms with custom amounts enabled would pass the first level name incorrectly in the Stripe description field. Now if a custom amount is given the stripe payment description will display solely the donation form name.
* Tweak: If you have the "Collect Billing Details" option enabled and are using Stripe Checkout modal the billing fieldset will appear within the modal now rather than within the Give form. This allows Stripe to collect that data and apply it to the card data the donor uses to donate.
* Tweak: Check for existence of Stripe class prior to loading SDK to prevent conflicts.
* New: Added a new option to change the "Statement Descriptor" within the plugin's settings.
* Fix: Resolved compatibility error with the Recurring method "get_recurring_customer_id".
* Fix: Ensure the form title and level are sent to Stripe within the payment's description field.
* Fix: When connecting to Stripe and clicking "Cancel and Go Back" you will be brought to a more informative page rather than a "Page not found" error.
* Fix: Resolve issue where Stripe's modal could be opened even if info is not entered within required fields.
* Tweak: Used constants consistently thoughout plugin to improve best practices as well as ensure better compatiblity with advanced setups where plugin may be non-default directory.
* Tweak: Moved the "Stripe JS Incompatibility" legacy option to the advanced tab within settings.