Give - Tributes 2.1.0

Download Give - Tributes 2.1.0 from nulled fire. With the Tributes Add-on you are not limited by set option of tributes.
* Fix: Improved security for ajax requests by applying nonce and role based access measures. This version requires the latest version of GiveWP Core to update.
* New: Improved how donations with tribute data be exported or imported into GiveWP via the import / export tools. Previously a small set of Tributes fields were available for export and NO fields were available to select during import. We have added the missing Tributes fields to the donations export screen and also made those fields selectable in the donation import screen.
* Fix: Utilize only AJAX validation rather than HTML5 based validation methods for hidden fields. This resolves a browser limitation issue for hidden fields attempting to be validated when the donor has not chosen the option.