Download Gravity Flow 2.9.6 from nulled fire. Build Workflow Applications with Gravity Forms.
- Added the "Workflow: cancelled" notification event for sending form notifications when the workflow is cancelled.
- Added the merge_tag {current_step} with [modifiers] for duration (time), expiration (date/time), ID, name (default), schedule (date/time), start (date/time) and type.
- Fixed an issue which prevents tokens from working correctly with role assignees.
- Fixed an issue which causes discussion field show / hide toggle to display on non-Gravity Flow pages.
- Fixed an issue which prevents form connector mapping assignee field and export display of user-based field types (assignee, user, multiuser)
- Fixed the step ID in the notification ID.
- Fixed an issue where reminder emails may be sent out under certain circumstances when forms or steps are inactive.
- Fixed some issues with RTL styles
- Fixed some issues with styles on the Twenty Seventeen theme.
- Fixed an issue with the status shortcode where the workflow_info and step_status attributes are ignored.
- Added the filter gravityflow_form_ids_inbox which allows adjustment of form id(s) when searching for entries for the inbox table.
- Added the filter gravityflow_form_ids_status which allows adjustment of form id(s) when searching for entries for the status table.
- Fixed a notice which can get displayed if GravityView is installed.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with the Nested Forms Perk.
- Fixed an issue with the assignee policy for multiple role assignees.
- Fixed an issue where date field expiration may use the wrong field to caluclate the expiration date.
Fixed an issue preventing the one-click approve and reject links from working.
Fixed a fatal error which can occur if the entry is deleted before workflow processing starts.
Fixed a fatal error which can occur when entry detail permissions are evaluated with the status page shortcode set to allow anonymous access.
Fixed an issue with the Multi-User field on the User Input step where no fields are editable for the assignee.
Fixed a performance issue in the WP admin which can affect sites with a lot of users.