Gravity Forms User Registration Addon 5.3.0

Download Gravity Forms User Registration Addon 5.3.0 from nulled fire. The User Registration Add-On for Gravity Forms makes registering users a breeze.
- Added logging of BuddyPress field processing.
- Fixed an issue where the number field value may not use the format configured on the field.
- Fixed fatal error on main settings page when running PHP 7.1.
- Fixed strings for translations.
- Fixed an issue with the markup for the login widgets logged in message.
Version 3.5
- Added support for the {set_password_url} merge tag.
- Updated 'User activation' notification event label to 'User is pending activation'.
- Updated Pending Activations table to be responsive.
- Updated to use a meta box to include the activate user button on the entry detail with Gravity Forms 2.0+.
- Fixed a timing issue with the inclusion of the GF_Field_Username class which in some situations caused the username field to be initialised in the form object using the basic GF_Field object resulting in the field input being missing when the form was rendered.
- Fixed feed not being passed through the gform_addon_pre_process_feeds filters in some situations.
- Fixed a PHP notice which could occur when an update type feed populates checkbox type fields with values stored in ACF checkboxes.
- Fixed an issue with the Login button which prevented it being translated.
- Fixed an issue with the custom registration page redirect.
- Fixed an issue with the default logged in message for the login shortcode