Added ability to fetch GPLimitCheckboxes instance via window.GPLimitCheckboxes.instances[ formId ] for use in 3rd party integrations.
Added various performance improvements.
Added 'gplc_group' filter (JS & PHP) to allow filtering the limit groups before they are processed on the frontend and before they are validated on submission.
Updated minimum Gravity Forms version to 1.9
Fixed issue where checkboxes checked by default were not counted towards limits on frontend.
Fixed issue where choices that were disabled via external source would become reenabled
Fixed issue where checkbox fields were incorrectly disabled if limit was enabled with no max limit specified.
Fixed issue where min/max validations were processed even if no min/max limit was specified.
Fixed issue where UI would flash briefly before being hidden when form editor was loading.
Fixed issue where fields hidden by conditional logic were incorrectly validated
Fixed issue where fields were validated on every page submission (rather than only on the page submission that contains them)
Fixed issue where limit JS was not applied when the form was loaded
Fixed issue where fields that were part of a group but did not have specific limit did not trigger checkbox limits