* Added: User Fields now has many more options, including avatars, first and last name combinations, and more
* Added: A new [Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatar)](https://en.gravatar.com) field
* Added: "Display as HTML" option for Paragraph fields - By default, safe HTML will be shown. If disabled, only text will be shown.
* Added: Support for Gravity Forms Partial Entries Add-On. When editing an entry, the entry's "Progress" will now be updated.
* Modified: Sort forms by title in Edit View, rather than Date Created (thanks, Rochelle!)
* Modified: The [`{created_by}` Merge Tag](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/281-the-createdby-merge-tag)
* When an entry was created by a logged-out user, `{created_by}` will now show details for a logged-out user (ID `0`), instead of returning an unmodified Merge Tag
* When `{created_by}` is passed without any modifiers, it now will return the ID of the user who created the entry
* Fixed PHP warning when `{created_by}` Merge Tag was passed without any modifiers
* Fixed: The "Single Entry Title" setting was not working properly
* Fixed: Recent Entries widget filters not being applied
* Updated translations: Added Formal German translation (thanks, Felix K!) and updated Polish translation (thanks, Dariusz!)
__Developer Updates:__
* Added: `gravityview/fields/textarea/allow_html` filter to toggle whether Paragraph field output should allow HTML or should be sanitized with `esc_html()`
* Added: `gravityview/field/created_by/name_display` filter for custom User Field output.
* Added: `gravityview/field/created_by/name_display/raw` allow raw (unescaped) output for `gravityview/field/created_by/name_display`.
* Added: `gravityview/fields/gravatar/settings` filter to modify the new Gravatar field's settings
* Added: `gravityview/search/sieve_choices` filter in Version 2.5 that enables only showing choices in the Search Bar that exist in entries ([learn more about this filter](https://docs.gravityview.co/article/701-show-choices-that-exist))
* Modified: `gravityview_get_forms()` and `GVCommon::get_forms()` have new `$order_by` and `$order` parameters (Thanks, Rochelle!)
* Fixed: `gravityview/edit_entry/user_can_edit_entry` and `gravityview/capabilities/allow_logged_out` were not reachable in Edit Entry and Delete Entry since Version 2.5