IconicWP WooCommerce Attribute Swatches 1.18.0

Download IconicWP WooCommerce Attribute Swatches 1.18.0 from nulled fire. IconicWP WooCommerce Attribute Swatches for your variable products.
[update] Added strike-through styling to OOS text swatches for better accessibility
[fix] Fixed a bug causing the attribute swatch settings to be hidden
[fix] Fix to prevent empty fee values when adding products to cart via AJAX
[new] You can now pick swatch colours directly from the list of attribute terms
[fix] Fix to prevent global fees being returned as zero when saving product attributes
[fix] Fixed attribute fees in non-default currencies not converting for products using WCML currency switcher
[fix] Prevented a PHP warning caused by invalid attribute taxonomy names
[fix] Fixed a bug where tax was missing from products with both sale prices and fees