IconicWP WooThumbs for WooCommerce 5.8.0

Download IconicWP WooThumbs for WooCommerce 5.8.0 from nulled fire. WooThumbs is packed full of features to optimise your WooCommerce product image gallery
[update] Add filter `iconic_woothumbs_is_admin`
[update] Update dependencies
[update] Update POT file
[fix] Blank placeholder issue
[fix] Browser crash when Thumbnails Count After Breakpoint is zero
[fix] Youtube/Vimeo video fullscreen issue
[fix] Fix issue with embed video having quote
[new] Swipe Threshold setting
[update] Compatibility with WP 5.6
[update] Add skip-lazy class to prevent lazy-loading images
[update] Update dependencies
[update] Update POT file
[fix] Issue when shortcode is used outside the Product loop
[fix] Prevent vertical pixel line at some browser sizes
[fix] Phantom video opening when using the play icon
[fix] Astra theme's quickview bug
[fix] Fix database Deadlock issue
[new] Lazyload option for MP4 videos
[fix] Replace `$.live` function with `$.on` function
[update] Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
[update] Update dependencies