Instagram Feed Pro 6.4.1

Download Instagram Feed Pro 6.4.1 from nulled fire. Instagram Feed Pro add a customizable Instagram feed to your website
* Tweak: Error reporting notices are now only displayed if there is an issue with the primary API request, rather than secondary ones such as retrieving stories.
* Tweak: All Instagram data is now encrypted in your WordPress database.
* Tweak: Access Tokens are no longer able to be viewed on the settings page.
* Tweak: Added a maximum caching time of 24 hours.
* Tweak: Added an expiration time to backup caches.
* Tweak: Deauthorizing our app inside your Instagram or Facebook account will now delete all data for that feed on your site.
* Fix: Lowered the number of posts retrieved in a single API request when getting older recent hashtag posts to fix API Error 1.
* Fix: When using the GDPR consent feature, the avatar in the header would not display even after consent was given.
* Fix: Added a workaround to fix some errors that would prevent local images from being resized and stored.
* Fix: Fixed duplicate MySQL queries issue when checking for the resized images table.
* Fix: Fixed a compatibility issue with the Complianz Cookie Consent plugin integration.
* Fix: Fixed a compatibility issue with the Web Toffee GDPR Cookie Consent plugin integration.