iThemes Security Pro 8.5.3

Download iThemes Security Pro 8.5.3 from nulled fire. iThemes Security Pro takes the guesswork out of WordPress security.
-Bug Fix: Fixed issue that could cause login attempts to bypass recaptcha protection.

-Bug Fix: Fixed "undefined offset" error when displaying specific migrated old log entries.
-Bug Fix: Fixed schema issue with new logs table.

-Enhancement: Updated logging system to keep track of more information and have more options to filter and sort log entries.
-Enhancement: Improved efficiency of File Change Detection scanning.
-Enhancement: Added malware scan support for scanning all sites in a Multisite Network.
-Bug Fix: Fixed issue that could register loading the logging page as a failed login attempt on some sites.
-New Feature: Online Files Comparison now supports plugins.
-Enhancement: Add support for changing position of the Invisible Recaptcha badge.
-Enhancement: Display user lockouts in Lockout Sidebar.
-Tweak: Use the current site URL instead of the network URL when sending Two Factor Email codes.
-Bug Fix: Fixed issue that could prevent Sync from loading Malware Scan results if a scan previously failed.
-Bug Fix: Fixed method that could be used to discover hidden login slug on some sites.
-Bug Fix: Hide Backend notifications not being properly sent when first enabled.
-Bug Fix: Load translations on the plugins_loaded hook.
-Bug Fix: Log logins with User Logging when logging in with Two Factor.
-Bug Fix: Prevent login page being hidden when following the "Confirm Email Address" notification URL.
-Bug Fix: Update to the REST API "Restricted Access" feature to protect against methods to work around the restricted access.