MailWizz - Email Marketing Application 2.6.2

Download MailWizz - Email Marketing Application 2.6.2 from nulled fire. MailWizz EMA is a simple to use, efficient and full-featured email marketing application
[BUG] - Unparsed URLs in web version when opened without a subscriber identifier
[CHG] - Bounces / FBLs / EBMs will not be identified via custom headers anymore BUT only via the original message id
[RMV] - Removed all custom headers used to identify a campaign / subscribers, we're using the Message-Id header now
[BUG] - URL would not be normalised in some cases when doing redirects for tracking
[BUG] - Possible duplicate open tracking pixel under certain circumstances
[ENH] - Make sure we add the open tracking pixel only if it does not exists in the content
[BUG] - Remove Postmark delivery server casting to array which would cause the message to deliver but report it did not
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
[ADD] - Added a new chart in the list overview showing the growth/shrink over a period. The hourly cron is handling creating the counters
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages
--- Version 2.0.31 - 2021-10-27
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[ADD] - Added a wrapper over getimagesize for better security. For best results, PHP's finfo class/extension must be enabled on your host
[UPD] - Updated composer packages

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--- Version 2.0.30 - 2021-10-26
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[BUG] - Fix a bug for ExtensionInit::createAbsoluteUrl(). Added the schema and sent it correctly for call of createAbsoluteUrl()
[MSC] - The exported list/survey file name will not contain only the list/survey uid, since the list/survey name can get very long and cause filesystem issues
[ADD] - Added Cookie Consent Extension
[ADD] - Added '', '' as system nameservers
[ADD] - Added a new hook: dns_resolver_nameservers to overwrite the above nameservers if needed
[ADD] - Sending domains will use the above external nameservers to query for data
[ADD] - A new method SendingDomain::hasValidDNSTxtRecord which can be called at any time to verify the sending domain has valid DNS records
[ADD] - The hourly cron will check(if enabled) all active sending domains to make sure they still have valid DNS records. Invalid domains will be disabled
[ADD] - Added ability to enable/disable hourly checks against sending domains
[CHG] - Test emails are now prefixed with *** TEST *** instead of [TEST] to avoid GMail thread grouping
[IMP] - CSV import now auto-detects the delimiters
[ADD] - Tracking domains will use the above external nameservers to query for data
[ADD] - A new method TrackingDomain::hasValidDNSRecords which can be called at any time to verify the tracking domain has valid DNS records
[ADD] - The hourly cron will check(if enabled) all active sending domains to make sure they still have valid DNS records. Invalid domains will be disabled
[ADD] - Added ability to enable/disable hourly checks against sending domains
[ADD] - Added ability to set the maximum number of active campaigns customers can have
[ADD] - A new method TrackingDomain::hasValidDNSRecords which can be called at any time to verify the tracking domain has valid DNS records
[ADD] - Added a menu builder. It will inject the menus created in the header and footer of the frontend page.
[BUG] - Increased the category name length from 32 chars to 100 in the translation_source_message table
[CHG] - Accommodated the transition to Emailable. Now the Email verification provider for this service is updated to use the new endpoint