NEW: Timer - add a timer for multisteps. You can have a timer for an entire form, or set time limits to individual steps. Tons of settings available!
NEW: Transition settings for steps. You can now choose the transition/animation of the steps when you step forward or backward.
NEW: Add an Icon and description for your steps to be displayed in the Breadcrumb.
NEW: All breadcrumbs are redeveloped. See new improved breadcrumbs with all new styling options.
NEW: Undo - you can now undo your last action in the form editor.
NEW: Redo - you can now redo your last undo in the form editor.
NEW: DragBox Selection - You can now drag/draw a box over field(s) to multi-select them to batch - drag and drop, copy, cut, delete, edit and style! Hold CTRL while drawing to add or remove field(s) from the batch selection. In essence you can now do in the form editor what you can do on your Desktop.
NEW: Batch Field Editing (drag and drop, copy, cut, delete, edit and style fields at the same)
NEW: Batch group Editing (drag and drop, copy, cut, delete, edit and style all of the same type of fields at the same time, for example if you want to style all Radio Buttons at the same time)
NEW: Context menus (Right Click mouse button) on fields an containers. Right click on fields, for example, for quick editing options.
NEW: Keyboard shortcuts - CTRL+S = Save, CTRL+Z = Undo last action, CTRL+SHIFT+Z, Redo last undo, CTRL+A = Select all fields in the form, CTRL+SHIFT+A = Deselect all fields in the form, Esc = Deselect all fields in the form and close all open editing panels and preview, Enter = Edit Field Selection, CTRL+C = Copy Field Selection, CTRL+X = Cut Field Selection, CTRL+V = Paste copied/cut fields below the current hovered field. Hovering inside a step or grid column will append the field to the grid or step. No hover will append the fields to the outer form container, CTRL+SHIFT+V = Paste Copied/cut fields above the current hovered field. Hovering inside a step or grid column will prepend the field to the grid or step. No hover will prepend the fields to the outer form container, Delete = Delete the field selection, Backspace = Delete the field selection, CTRL + LEFT CLICK = Adds a field to a batch selection. If already selected will remove the field from the selection, CTRL+SHIFT + LEFT CLICK = Selects all fields of the same type. For example use this to select all TEXT fields or all HEADINGS, etc. You can then target-edit the FIELD GROUP, RIGHT CLICK = Right Click on anything in the form container area. The Right click menu includes quick editing options and available actions to take on Single Field, Batch Selections or Field Group selections.
NEW: Icon field - Although icons was always available to use with HTML elements, this is now made easier.
NEW: Success message - You can now build your success messages like you build your forms - drag and drop etc etc. complete will all 70+ available animations. You now have complete control over your success messages!
NEW: Submission Loaders and respective settings!
NEW: Validation options for Multi-selection fields. Set minimum required selection and set maximum available selections.
NEW: Field border size setting. You can now make your field and elements borders thicker or thinner.
NEW: Add Custom Before Submit Javascript
NEW: Add Custom After Submit Javascript
NEW: JS/CSS editor - Adding Custom CSS and Javscript is now made easy with JS/CSS Editor.

IMPROVED: Overall backend usability and design.
IMPROVED: Performamce.
IMPROVED: All an all - 70% of the editor have been redeveloped or enhanced.
IMPROVED: Complete plugin overhaul. JS and CSS optimized to improve performance. Total plugin size reduced by 50%
IMPROVED: Optimized all existing templates
IMPROVED: Overall backend speed and usability (design tweaks etc)
NEW: Right Click Context Menu to add Field Smart data tags with ease
NEW: Edit HTML elements on the fly with a single click.
NEW: Added new built-in templates
NEW: Admin email setting - Choose to send admin emails or not.
NEW: Date-picker setting - keep the picker open on user selection or not (drop down picker view only)